Why is Xbox 360 version laggy?

When I was playing I saw some lag and when they were talking it didn't match up with the subtitles or only said one word when they were supposed to say 10 words. When they were running away from the wither the game froze but the sound didn't stopped.


  • Btw I have no hard drive for Xbox 360

  • Can someone tell me why is this happening or tell telltale to update minecraft story mode for Xbox 360 because I can't finish episode 1!?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    That could be the reason why. According to the box art, a hard drive is required for the game.

    If I remember correctly, there were reports of lag on Xbox 360 in The Walking Dead as well if people didn't own a hard drive, which is probably why Telltale lists it as a requirement now.

    Luckily, Xbox 360 hard drives are pretty cheap now.

    Btw I have no hard drive for Xbox 360

  • Ok thx

    Jennifer posted: »

    That could be the reason why. According to the box art, a hard drive is required for the game. If I remember correctly, there were repor

  • Funny. I Play it on the 360, too. But it Runs soo much smoother than the other Telltale Games. Nearly Not a Single lag. But the loading times Are Longer.

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