Everyone thinks same about this game.. What bout u?

This is the only TTG Game in which i created 2 save files and played 2 times each ep. to xperience the game cmpletely.. I notice most of the people did this.. Why so? Why dont we want to make 2 saves for other TTG games like twd? Why MCSM only? Answer is... (comment now!)


  • What? I played TWD, TWAU, GoT and TFTB multiple times, but Minecraft?No... I'm not feeling it sadly. The different path in the beginning of ep 2 is nice but I guess I haven't seen the Redstonia part though... I won't play it again, maybe watch someone's playthrough.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I have always had multiple save files for all the Telltale game i have played but i will always consider my first playthrough to be my main playthrough as i played it without knowing the outcome of my choices, i will use other save files to see what happens with different choices as it can be interesting like we saw in Tales from the Borderlands or the difference between Boomtown and Redstonia.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    The only time I ever actually played through the game twice with multiple save files was with the first season of The Walking Dead. With all of the other games, including Minecraft, I randomly generated choices to play the other versions of scenes, like choosing alternate paths in The Wolf Among Us or playing through Boom Town in Minecraft: Story Mode.

    Some games I played differently when I played them on another platform though.

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