Kid Appropriate?

I don't play Minecraft but my 12 year old does. I know other Telltale games that I myself play have very mature content. Since this is Minecraft, is it age appropriate for kids or is this like some mature adult version?



  • It's age appropriate for kids. It's rated at the game equivalent of PG on all the ratings boards (ESRB: 10+, PEGI: 12+, etc). There's some cartoon violence (explosions, creatures beaming up people, etc, but no blood or gore). There's also some mild swear words (damn, hell, piss, etc), but it's basically stuff that they don't really censor on television anymore these days. It's modeled after 80s family movies like The Goonies or Ghostbusters, so the content of the game in regards to violence and swear words are comparable to those types of films.

  • E10+ for Mild Language (Crap, Hell, Damn) and Fantasy Violence

  • What he said. The fantasy violence is really just the same as the violence in Minecraft, so it should be fine.

  • Why are parents these days so protective? I was allowed to play GTA when I was 9.

  • edited November 2015

    Not every parent is as cool and edgy as your parents I guess.

    Why are parents these days so protective? I was allowed to play GTA when I was 9.

  • What if they just care for their kids?

    Why are parents these days so protective? I was allowed to play GTA when I was 9.

  • My parents do as well. They didn't allow me to play GTA V, IV, SA and telltale's TWD.

    What if they just care for their kids?

  • same here friend

    Why are parents these days so protective? I was allowed to play GTA when I was 9.

  • Really? I thought parents these days are less protective. Why? Oh nothing...Just all the 12 year olds on COD saying over the mic "your mom". And COD is rated M. Hmm....

    Why are parents these days so protective? I was allowed to play GTA when I was 9.

  • So far, Minecraft: Story Mode is pretty PG. It has all the kind of content (and sometimes cursewords, but Damn is the furthest they go) That you'd see in a Back to the Future movie. Kid friendly, some adult themes, but generally okay. However, as you well know, there are 3 more episodes that have yet to be released. So we'll let you know if anything changes.

  • It's modeled after 80s family movies like The Goonies or Ghostbusters,

    cough. Don't forget Back to the Future cough.

    Jennifer posted: »

    It's age appropriate for kids. It's rated at the game equivalent of PG on all the ratings boards (ESRB: 10+, PEGI: 12+, etc). There's some

  • Conker's Bad Fur Day was rated M. South Park has been around for ages. Kids watched all sorts of messed stuff during the 80s. So, I don't know, it's probably been about the same for the last 30 years or so.

    Meanwhile, parents seem to freak out over swearing and nudity, but I have yet to understand this. Apparently explaining stuff to your own children is off the table. But honestly, if they have the internet, kids have figured most of this stuff out already. Parents not explaining things and putting them in context is the real harm. I think a lot of parents want kids to live in a fantasy world, where the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy is real but war, sex, and poverty is not. Doesn't seem ideal to me. Not that kids should be miserable, they should just be treated honestly and given the benefit of the doubt.

    Oh, but yeah, the game is fine for kids. Whatever.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Really? I thought parents these days are less protective. Why? Oh nothing...Just all the 12 year olds on COD saying over the mic "your mom". And COD is rated M. Hmm....

  • edited November 2015

    People getting beamed up into the mouth of that beast sure was freaking me out lol

    Jennifer posted: »

    It's age appropriate for kids. It's rated at the game equivalent of PG on all the ratings boards (ESRB: 10+, PEGI: 12+, etc). There's some

  • but in GTA you literally kill people in any of them xD if you couldn't okay V, IV, SA then you shouldn't have played any of them ._.

    My parents do as well. They didn't allow me to play GTA V, IV, SA and telltale's TWD.

  • The older ones like VC wasnt that bad. And many people in my class back then also played it.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    but in GTA you literally kill people in any of them xD if you couldn't okay V, IV, SA then you shouldn't have played any of them ._.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Telltale don't aim to convert everything they touch into mature and violent games, it just so happens that the last few games they focused on have been from mature franchises because Telltale wanted to make games similar to Walking Dead since that title was a huge success. Telltale focuses first and foremost on telling a story that is presented in a way faithful to the source material. Minecraft: Story Mode is a little different in that it emulates 80's family movies instead of straight up Minecraft since it doesn't have much of a story on its own, but even so, there isn't anything excessive in terms of violence/language/etc.

    Minecraft is a family friendly game, so Telltale has likewise made Minecraft: Story Mode more light hearted in presentation. The tone of any Telltale game will generally match that of its source material. They won't make family friendly franchises become dark and edgy, and they won't go toning down franchises like Walking Dead or Game of Thrones to make them kid friendly if you catch my drift.

  • Thanks, everyone. :)

  • The words "Shit" and "Bitch" have been used several times in the BTTF trilogy.

    So far, Minecraft: Story Mode is pretty PG. It has all the kind of content (and sometimes cursewords, but Damn is the furthest they go) That

  • Lucky motherfucker...

    Why are parents these days so protective? I was allowed to play GTA when I was 9.

  • Wait, I know sh*t has been used, but has the other really been used that much? Wow, I don't remember much. Okay, it's Back to the Future minus those 2 words.

    The words "Shit" and "Bitch" have been used several times in the BTTF trilogy.

  • The first line of word in BTTF had shit.

    "When this baby reaches 9.8km/h, you're gonna see some serious shit."

    Wait, I know sh*t has been used, but has the other really been used that much? Wow, I don't remember much. Okay, it's Back to the Future minus those 2 words.

  • Thread: Isn't this intended for kids.

    I've heard "what the hell" and "damn"... buts its for kids also they say crap alot.

  • I know right

    E10+ for Mild Language (Crap, Hell, Damn) and Fantasy Violence

  • Still better than "Fuck" or "Bitch".

  • I wouldnt reccomend me to a 4 or 5 year old. So....

  • It was rated things like E 10+ and PEGI 12+, and I've certainly heard a lot of kids that age using those words. They aren't really curses or swears IMO

  • Yes, it's for kids. But it's rated PG, not G.

    It means it might have something that parents do not like, like these swear words. These are very mild swear words as far as I know, but I'm not a native English speaker ("Hell" is a swear word?!).

  • No it's for old people

    enter image description here

  • That's what the PG rating is for.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    It's modeled after 80s family movies which were rated PG (for parental guidance). So, there's the occasional mild swear word (damn, hell, piss, crap), but it's nothing too bad. They rarely even censor these types of words on American television anymore.

  • It's for "families". the game is emulating the content that was featured before the PG-13 Rating became a huge deal , so stuff like the Goonies or Ghostbusters are huge influences for Story Mode.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Thread: Isn't this intended for kids. I've heard "what the hell" and "damn"... buts its for kids also they say crap alot.

  • Kids these days (At least in Singapore), use "fuck" and "asshole" a lot.

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Thread: Isn't this intended for kids. I've heard "what the hell" and "damn"... buts its for kids also they say crap alot.

  • edited November 2015

    Dont Say Bad Words Do You?!enter image description here

    Still better than "Fuck" or "Bitch".


    Kaemi posted: »

    Dont Say Bad Words Do You?!

  • Yes.

    "That son of a bitch stole my idea!"
    "I'm gonna get that son of a bitch"

    Wait, I know sh*t has been used, but has the other really been used that much? Wow, I don't remember much. Okay, it's Back to the Future minus those 2 words.

  • But doesn't the newer ones have nudity?

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    but in GTA you literally kill people in any of them xD if you couldn't okay V, IV, SA then you shouldn't have played any of them ._.

  • No it does not. It just talks about it.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    But doesn't the newer ones have nudity?

  • And 1 more. In telltale's BTTF, kid tannen said "You son of a bitch!" To mcfly.

    Yes. "That son of a bitch stole my idea!" "I'm gonna get that son of a bitch"

  • edited November 2015


    The protagonist can die but the kid is likely not going to make a connection as a same scene appears again soon after.

    Still, don't assume that the kids are stupid. In fact I'm not comfortable with the idea of lying even if it's to a kid.

    All in all, the "big bad" or whatever he should be called does a quite horrible thing but the kid might not once again grasp of what is going on.

  • But on GTA V, can you go into a strip club and have a "naughty" dance?

    No it does not. It just talks about it.

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