What is the House you hate the most? (Poll)
Link to the poll http://strawpoll.me/6007128
So in your experience with both the game and show and books which is the House you hate the most.Who would you like to see destroyed and on their knees?
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someone has an admirer
I dont even know who he is...Green senpai is my name on TWC
I dislike House Tyrell the most. Mainly because of Brianne who served Renly and house Tyrell and also because I find most of them so annoying that I would have loved to have them at the red wedding instead of the starks.
It's gotta be House Frey, Walder is by far the most despicable person on GOT (IMO)
I absolutely agree with you. I hate him so much that I avoid saying "heh" to laugh because I don't want to sound like him.
Definitely House Frey.
House Grimes is terrible, can't stand that Rick guy.
Agreed, Walder is a treacherous pile of dung. There is a special place in the seventh hell for him and the rest of the Freys
House Stark. They're the main reason for most of the shit that is currently going on in show, books and game. There are some Starks that are okay in my book (Bran, Sansa, sometimes Catelyn, Eddard wasn't smart, but wasn't annoying either), but most of them are either dumb, or arrogant, or not right in the head, or vengeance-obsessed, or the combination of above.
Whitehill seems the most transparently villainous to me. Most of the houses by GRRM are actually compelling. Sure, the Lannisters and Boltons are pretty awful but they are well written and compelling. Whitehills are kind of just jerks in comparison.
Why exactly are they just jerks in comparison, for example, to Lannisters? It's members that we know about have pretty well-written personalities, they have their goals, as they don't just run around killing people for no reason, and they've already tried to actually avoid fully destroying Forresters to reach them.
I hope he finds out what the pies Lord Manderly served him were made of before he dies.
I can't stand the Freys at all - I just want Arya to quit the faceless men so badly and just go to the Riverlands and slaughter Walder and the whole pack of them out of revenge for the 2 Starks I really liked (Catelyn and Robb)
He didn't serve those pies to Late Lord. He served them to Roose, his wife and two other Freys, but old man was at Twins.
Coral is also pretty annoying.
Oh you are right, Walder Frey can barely move around anymore. I read this forever ago (four years or so?) and was under the impression he attended to the wedding, but other Freys did instead.
I still want Walder Frey to find out about the Frey Pies before his death.
Boltons, they allowed the evil houses in the north to gain power.
Other Freys did attend, in various forms.
Baked form best form.
Beneath the crust, the bitter Frey!
I don't know... I feel like the Boltons and Lanniesters leave more of an impact on me. I can understand where they are coming from and why, even if I think they are dirtbags. The Whitehills feel like dicks who are dicks exclusively for the sake of being dicks, and I don't like that. In comparison, their writing feels far more two-dimensional and less fleshed out than the other houses of GRRM's world. The Forrester's aren't much better for the same reason.