I actually voted on the 'yes I miss the old control scheme' and then I played some more of my free Sam and Max voucher and was sitting there with the asdw fingers and felt annoyed by the clicking to move so I think I would like to alter my vote although I can't.. Change is good, TTG have done a good job with the controls although the mouse 360 hold thing didn't always work well for me, sometimes I found it hard to make that appear.
I was about to whine about how difficult was to move the character by drag and drop: just think that the only time I got so stuck as to look in the walkthrough was when... I just didn't realize I could enter the jungle!
Then (of course after having finished the game) I discovered I could move by keyboard... I'll wait the second episode to see if keyboard moving is smooth enough for me ;-)
At first I thought the game was difficult to control, but I played through it again and really enjoyed it.
I then downloaded Loom™ on Steam, and all that Pointing and Clicking was annoying because Bobbin walks so goddamn slow! It really made me miss ToMI's control scheme! Yes, that's right, I don't want to go back to point-and-click (though I wouldn't mind it).
Why? I could hold down the mouse button once and walk (or twice and run) for long distances, rather than click over and over again.
The first chapter didnt showed anything really cinematic, except for... the cutscene cinematics I would rather play all the chapter playing in an user-friendly PnC than fighting/draging around only to see a camera going forward, oh so cool ¬¬
...aaaand background layout was sooo appropriated for PnC where you can see the ground nearly everywhere (and i tell you what, you dont have to see the ground to know if you clicked left or right of your character)... anyway...
The drag&move is really welcome as I can use mouse only... but I would suggest to left the dragging behind, it's a bit tiresome... how about just click? ie. click second button->walk mode! the circle appears and you move the mouse indicating the direction... click again... stand by!... so you dont have to keep the button pushed... thats quite annoying...
And now that we are talking about controls... inventory... right click over an item = Look at item, drag item over another one = combine if possible... and double click over an exit, then exit... is a standard, everybody expect it like copy-paste... and are easy to add.
You know, the user-friendlier the UI is... the happier we play...
I thought the dragging with the mouse thing was a bit weird, but I kinda liked controlling Guybrush with the keyboard while using the mouse to search the screen for things to interact with. I wasn't completely prepared for it at first, but got used to it pretty quickly. It's not bad in my opinion, just different to the classic point and click thing.
Combining inventory objects by placing them together threw me a bit too. I kept forgetting, and would try to place one object onto another like you do in the old point and click games when combining objects. But again, it's something you get used to after a while. I found that a bit more difficult to get the hang of though for some reason.
I'm relatively used to it actually, most modern games use wasd and a mouse these days. Anyone who's played more than about 5 minutes of GTA3 or whatever is probably well verse in the whole thing. Not to say it's perfect, I found myself clicking and wondering why Guybrush wouldn't MOVE hahaha. Perhaps having both would satisfy everyone? Keyboard controls for those who want them, clicky mouse controls for others? I dunno how implementable that would be though.
But anyway, it's an improvement over Grim Fandango's controls, which was pretty much totally keyboard... so it's nice to have that.
It'll just take getting used to, much like the inventory combo system which I found intuitive... just time consuming and I kept forgetting and trying to click items on eachother lol.
Certainly not a nightmare I have to add.. (imho)
Then (of course after having finished the game) I discovered I could move by keyboard... I'll wait the second episode to see if keyboard moving is smooth enough for me ;-)
I then downloaded Loom™ on Steam, and all that Pointing and Clicking was annoying because Bobbin walks so goddamn slow! It really made me miss ToMI's control scheme! Yes, that's right, I don't want to go back to point-and-click (though I wouldn't mind it).
Why? I could hold down the mouse button once and walk (or twice and run) for long distances, rather than click over and over again.
You guys are so emotional. :rolleyes:
The first chapter didnt showed anything really cinematic, except for... the cutscene cinematics
...aaaand background layout was sooo appropriated for PnC where you can see the ground nearly everywhere (and i tell you what, you dont have to see the ground to know if you clicked left or right of your character)... anyway...
The drag&move is really welcome as I can use mouse only... but I would suggest to left the dragging behind, it's a bit tiresome... how about just click? ie. click second button->walk mode! the circle appears and you move the mouse indicating the direction... click again... stand by!... so you dont have to keep the button pushed... thats quite annoying...
And now that we are talking about controls... inventory... right click over an item = Look at item, drag item over another one = combine if possible... and double click over an exit, then exit... is a standard, everybody expect it like copy-paste... and are easy to add.
You know, the user-friendlier the UI is... the happier we play...
Combining inventory objects by placing them together threw me a bit too. I kept forgetting, and would try to place one object onto another like you do in the old point and click games when combining objects. But again, it's something you get used to after a while. I found that a bit more difficult to get the hang of though for some reason.
But anyway, it's an improvement over Grim Fandango's controls, which was pretty much totally keyboard... so it's nice to have that.
It'll just take getting used to, much like the inventory combo system which I found intuitive... just time consuming and I kept forgetting and trying to click items on eachother lol.