I cant get episode 2 with season pass disk ps4 help?

I finished episode 1 and wanted to download episode 2 but it still says coming soon. I tried updating, redownloading and making a request to telltale support. None of those ideas worked. Any help from you guys? I can give you more detail if you contact me through psn.My psn is Diamondman27420. Thank you.


  • Bro i have the same issue, any updates from you? What region are you from?

  • How can you release a game with so many issues and then provide no support over the weekend what a joke!!!

  • I brought this game for my son for the ps3 thinking it was a great game only to find episode 2 won't download and there's No Support from the games makers because they don't work weekend's!!!!!! I will try and take the game back today as I think it's a joke that you can release a game knowing its has so many problems and provide no support only when it suits yourself.

  • I made a request and they said they fixed the issue but it doesn't even work.this game is bullshit. I think it because I'm too far away from my wifi box.and im in Europe.It even says that episode 2 is out on the actual game but it still saying it's coming soon. I tried comparing again but they didn't listen.

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