So how do Royland/Duncan...???

How do they survive to come find Asher/Rodrik at the end? When they save the lord they step back into the certain death scenario they just pulled Asher/Rodrik from. So how the heck do they manage to get away fine as can be to bring Talia to come get us??


  • I imagine that they commanded the guard to find tinge to fight, whilst they protected their Lord - and therefore the house, by leaving also. Rolland only had to ask his fighters to do their duty, and they would fight to the death so that he would have a chance of saving Lady Forrester (if he didn't know she was dead) Talia and Rodrik. The house must survive at all costs. And when entrusted to a position of power like that, you make decisions. He could have asked someone else to go, but then again. Who can he trust. And who is as good a man to protect his wounded Lord?
    The answer is simple. They knew the fight was lost, so which ever was your choice asked he garrison to fight and die, so they and the family could survive to fight another day. And because they were good, honourable men. They did.

  • They probably snuck out right where Rodrik did during the ambush and/or had men defending as the comment above speculated. Maybe they had a horse since they arrived so quick to the lord but those are a bit riskier in plain sight though, considering arrows.

  • I'm pretty sure the only way your sentinel can live is if you killed the traitor. If you didn't kill them, the traitor shows up instead.

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