Problems downloading episode 2 (Android / Amazon appstore)

Hi guys,
I've been having problems getting my hands on episode 2 - but first the tech details:
Running on rooted Ouya (running 41 Jelly Bean I think) and Nexus 7 2012 (running KitKat)

So I purchased chapter 1 through the amazon appstore, and everything seems fine - the kids play through the first chapter with no issues whatsoever.
So then I purchase the season pass - the purchase shows correctly, but then every time I try and download it I get an error saying "Content failed to download" (or occasionally "server error")
I logged a support request, but didn't get any immediate response - so I tried Amazon who suggested a refund and repurchase. So I gave that a go - same result.
During this time, I've tried multiple cache clears and turning the devices on & off.

I finally get a response to my support ticket.... which tells me to clean my cache and turn the device off (and promptly marks my case as solved). Thanks Telltale, but no dice.
I've added pictures and an update to the original support request, but again no response so far :(

Since then, I've tried installing the second chapter on an android device running Marshmallow - and lo and behold, it downloads! :-(

So firstly, has anyone had the same problem as me or has anyone had any problems installing chapters on devices running Android ??


  • edited November 2015

    Same here. Amazon Appstore version. nVidia Shield Tablet.

    EDIT - works fine with same Android version and Amazon app store from Sony Xperia Z3.

  • Ditto. I submitted a ticket to telltale and they gave me the same run around about clearing my cache. I'm running a nexus 7 on android 5.1.1 and purchased it through the amazon app store. Can't download download episode 2 or 3. I get failed... content not downloaded.

  • Well at least I know I'm not alone!

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