I hate Minecraft



  • Just to chime in on what InGen said - criticism is fine, but keep it at that. Don't insult other people for their opinions (whether they like/dislike the game) or use excessive language/insults/etc.

  • edited November 2015

    Next time the make a game and I doubt the concept I will stil buy minimum 2 episodes, because it is TTG:) Yes I'm a stupid fanboy like that;)

    I am too. And is ok if you don't like it. We all have opinions. :)

    Keupajer posted: »

    So you assume I'm stil playing it:P The only reason I had to buy the first 2 episodes, is because it is TTG. Next time the make a game and I doubt the concept I will stil buy minimum 2 episodes, because it is TTG:) Yes I'm a stupid fanboy like that;)

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    The story started off pretty generic, I'll agree with that (although Ivor might be an interesting case, as even in episode one he didn't seem to be the villain that he appears to be). It's a marked improvement over The Walking Dead: Season Two though (which is the only Telltale story I didn't care for), as it has a clear direction from the beginning and doesn't seem to be saving major plot points for a potential future season.

    The story does begin to get more nuanced in episode 3. At the climax of that episode, it actually got me interested in finding out what would happen next, and that hadn't been the case in earlier episodes (as, although I really like the gameplay in this a lot more than Telltale's other post-TWD games, the story wasn't too engaging, outside of Ivor, who was the type of villain that I really like, as he doesn't seem to be the black and white, clearly a villain type). Hopefully they manage to keep the story engaging from here on out, as it seems we'll be finding more out about the order (who don't seem like they might be exactly the heroes we think they are).

    I'll be really disappointed if they end up making the Order the clear cut good guys, and end up turning Ivor into a Disney-style villain, because the shades of grey they're going for in the story is really making me interested in it. It could happen, as a lot can change in two episodes, and most things are still a mystery at this point, but Telltale is heading in the right direction story-wise at this point.

    DAISHI posted: »

    The story's shite, tbh.

  • I don't care for Minecraft, but I still think Telltale have something here. It may not be the best, because it's set in the Minecraft universe (a fun kids game in my eyes), but the story is engaging, epic, and it seems to tick off all the boxes that people want in their TT game. Just a fun little something else that turned out better than expected (so far).

  • It's good that you're being relatively civil about this. I do find it weird when people are annoyed that this Minecraft game looks like Minecraft. What else is it gonna look like? How is making this game look like Minecraft being lazy? How is being easier to develop = lazy?

  • I love how salty and nasty some can be in a civil thread. I dislike this game as well as this is the one Telltale Game I haven't bought since before 2012. I did watch a play through of it on YouTube and can not bear it. It's cheesy dialogue, cliches and attempt of humor are lost on me or any of my circle of friends who enjoy gaming. I think TTG screwed themselves a bit by releasing the second episode two weeks after the first, seeing as how major releases were coming out at that time. I don't see myself buying this game at all and would suggest people watch it on YouTube but if you liked TFTB and don't mind a watered down, kiddy cliche humor I'd say get it.

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