Telltale Games Batman: Voice, Villians, and more
I just got done jumping up and down for the last hour and have now gathered my senses. Not only has the trailer for Michonne been released, but Telltale is making a Batman game!!! A Batman game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot contain my excitement. So, in honor of this amazing event, who would you like to see voice Batman? What villains do you want? Etc.
I personally would like to see Roger Craig Smith voice Batman. Kevin Conroy ended on a high note with Arkham Knight and should forever be remembered in that game. Roger Craig Smith did an amazing job in Origins and would work well with a younger more inexperienced Batman(judging by the trailers Batman is new).
For villains, obvious ones like the Joker I'm going to exclude for now.
The 5 I want the most are:
Mr. Freeze
Killer Croc
Poison Ivy
What do you guys think about the multiple protagonist perspective for this game? You can play as Batman, Robin, Nightwing, and other heroes from the Bat-family. Personally I don't think this would be a good idea for the first season. However, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.
I would really love to see Riddler. It would work really well with Telltale's choice and consequence style.
I think they should definitely use scarecrow. It'd be a great opportunity for some awesome storytelling.
Plus all the looking for clues and puzzle stuff.
You ever read year one scarecrow?
I have not, I'm not a big comic book fan. I do know certain things that happen in certain comics though. Scarecrow year one isn't one of them.
If, Joker is one of the villains or the main villain. Do you think he will be voiced by Troy Baker?
As much as I love the Joker, I want Telltale to surprise us by having Batman fight another villain.
I don't want Joker. I love the Joker, but the one thing Rocksteady did wrong was making him the main character in all the games. If Joker does end up being the villain then I suggest Troy Baker since he did a good job in Origins and Mark Hamill might be hard to get back. My preferred villain is Ra's or a telltale original villain. I already got my Batman x Catwoman ship ready.
I've been thinking about this since watching the trailer and I think what I would love is to see is a different core villain per episode. Do something akin to the Long Halloween with a central mystery across Gotham with Batman (and hopefully for once the wider Batman family, not just Tim or Daman's Robin but Nightwing, Batgirl, Batwoman, Huntress, Red Hood etc) investigating over the Season, but also having a series of threats in each episode. And yeah, I know he's the star egg but I'd rather another villain as the central focus than Joker. Hush, maybe.
What trailer? Telltale announced a Batman game?
You know what is so fitting about this? Lee and Duck made a reference to Batman in Season 1 of the The Walking Dead ^_^
Am i still the only one of Jim Carey Riddler? GUHH!
Duck: "You're the greatest detective, and I can be Dick Grayson... your ward"
Duck: "That's Robin"
Lee: "I know who it is!"
Duck Grayson
Either Telltale has been wanting to make a Batman game for a long time or it is just a coincidence. :P
Plot twist. They've been planning it right from the start and it's gonna star Dave Fennoy as Batman and Max Kaufman as Robin.
The only thing I ask is Kevin Conroy as Batman! And if Joker is the villain I'm beggin' for Hamill! Realize that Hamill's pretty much done with Mistuh J but it never hurts to ask!
If joker is in the game is better be Adam Harrington.
I know the possibility is low, but I want Adam to voice Batman.
You know I really like the idea of being able to be multiple members of the Batman family, Game of Thrones style. Say Batman, Tim or Damian's Robin, Nightwing, Bab's Batgirl, Huntress and Batwoman.
Exactly, and give the supporting cast a chance to shine. Plus three female characters with one being a lesbian is decent representation. And the whole Batman family is collectively badass.
Won't Joker be in this game?
I think you can hear him in the trailer, unless that wasn't the riddler who I heard.
Batwoman, Kate Kane.
Firstly, NO JOKER! He's the best Batman villain but, he REALLY needs a break lately, especially with Suicide Squad coming up.
I think the series would do best to focus on the detective aspect of Batman, so the main villain needs to challenge him there and you can bring in others for support or as unlikely allies (in Catwoman's case for example). The Riddler would be top notch, as he has never really had that defining bad guy story yet in my view; however, guys like Hush and Zsasz would be cool as well.
Oh, The Court of Owls too but, they're probably too recent of a villain for Telltale to consider making the big bad of the series.
They just appeared on Gotham.
That was the order of st dumas
I really think Telltale should never use the Joker, this villain has been over done and over used in so many Batman stories I've lost count. I'm, dead serious, I would be severely disappointed with Telltale if they copped out and rely on the Joker's popularity like WB Montreal did with Arkham Origins. If they're going to use villains, they really should take advantage of villains that don't get much of a mainstream spotlight like Hush, Scarface, and a few others and perhaps they can make Blask Mask something to talk about considering that he's been shafted time and time again in the Arkham series.
Scarecrow and Mad hatter mind rapes would be amazing in this and hush as the main villain
I'd love to see Scarecrow, the Riddler, and Poison Ivy. But more than all of that, I want to see Robin again. Everyone today in the media excludes Robin! And they are Telltale, so I feel like they'd take a more comic book approach anyways!
Also, +100000 kudos to them if there's some 60s era Batman jokes and references in this game.
I have only recently heard that they were going to release a Batman game. and the source of my information just happened to be this website, particularly the posts that other users were creating!
For Batman, I think that Bryan Cranston has the right voice for the role.
I think the Joker should be voiced by Willem Dafoe.
I think if Heath Ledger had not been chosen for the role of the Joker for The Dark Night, that Willem Dafoe would've been an excellent choice.
I also think that Catwoman should be in the game, and should be voiced by January Jones.
I think her voice would suit the role.
I think Two-Face should be voiced by Tommy-Lee Jones, and I don't think I have to explain why.
I think it would be cool if we got a few different playable protagonists in this.
Adam Harrington should voice Batman, some one else should voice Bruce Wayne.
I'm cool with Joker making a cameo in a sort of Hannibal-Lecter-style capacity (Batman visits him in Arkham or something). Ideally I'd go for Troy Baker as the voice since he's done previous work for TT.
I think Scarecrow and Riddler would both be suitable for TT's format, especially the latter for puzzles and such.
Batman should be the playable character obviously. I think like a different villain to take down per episode would be fun, but have an underlying plot leading to the final episode. The Joker is pretty much a must but I'd really like to see Scarecrow (my personal favorite comic villain) be a major villain in one of the episodes. A Harley appearance in the Joker episode would be nice, and I think other villains that would be suitable would be Riddler for puzzles and such and maybe Two-Face. All in all, super excited for this game.
I wanna see what telltales croc would look like
Conroy will forever remain my favourite Batman/Bruce Wayne voice of all time. Roger Craig Smith was ok, but I didn't think he was that great.
If they can't get Conroy, I think a good alternative may be Bruce Greenwood (his Batman voice was pretty good in the animated movie "Under the Red Hood", though his Bruce Wayne voice would need to be tested, since that film has only shows Batman, not the Bruce Wayne side).
As for villains, definitely NO to Joker - he's been milked to death in pretty much almost every Batman media (including games, such as recent Arkham series).
I'd also like them to go for villains which has not been touched on, by the recent Arkham series.
If Telltale decides to make us play as a young Bruce Wayne, he should totally be voiced by Roger Craig Smith, though it's kinda bias for me to say that since I think he's the best Sonic voice ever too.
As for other characters (if they end up appearing), here's who'd I'd like to voice them.
Joker - Mark Hamill
Jason Todd (Red Hood) - Troy Baker
Catwoman - Grey Griffin
Dick Grayson - Scott Porter
Scott Porter coming back is actually a strong possibility when you think about it, he's buddy-buddy with Telltale and played Nightwing in Arkham Knight.
Which is exactly why I want him to voice Nightwing. He's already voiced Luke in TWD and Lukas in MCSM, so what's one more Telltale game with him?