Season Two AU by Badgershite (Fan-made)



  • He was sadistic, but he was also tactless. He should have known better than to approach the man who had just proudly owned up to the murder of a Lord - it's a miracle he survived this long. He was never intended to be an important character, though - before I thought of making this scene, I was just going to have him only appear in that flashback back in part 2.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed Cregan was killed but just a tad.

  • So... would you say Randyll seems like more of a threat now? After that whole business at the Logging Site where he got knocked off a horse and did little else, I felt like his character was in need of some 're-threatening'.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Fucking shit. Randyll, you son of a whore, I'll fucking break those arms of yours you're holding your son with & shove them so deep up y

  • In fact, I've viewed him as a serious threat ever since Torrhen summoned him at the end of first episode. I mean, he would not do it if the guy was incapable, with his powerful strategic mind & all. His defeat at the logging sites was understandable, and didn't really change my mind about him. Sure, Ormund & Cregan aren't that hard to fool, but he is still smart & dangerous in my eyes.

    Right now, since characters like Gryff & Torrhen are too grey, I view this thug as the main antagonist. Goshhhh, he makes me so angry. Though I've always been angry with Torrhen as well, I never felt anything like this towards him. Yes, Randyll isn't a simple "mustache-twirling" bad guy, he has motives & skills & is interesting to look at, but now the au finally has a hero I can hate with all my heart. It really makes the experience more rich, immersive, and I am really grateful that you've created him. Most characters of the au aren't completely good or bad, and I care about most to a certain level, while acknowledging their wrongs, but it's nice to be able to pick those I love no matter what - and those I loathe the same way.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    So... would you say Randyll seems like more of a threat now? After that whole business at the Logging Site where he got knocked off a horse and did little else, I felt like his character was in need of some 're-threatening'.

  • enter image description here

    hey people of the forum! i drew two characters mentioned in the AU posts this week: cregan's bed warmers, lynneth and sanya.


    Really digging that fur texture on Lynneth's scarf, my friend.

    Also I think this is the first time I've seen you do full bodies before?

    hey people of the forum! i drew two characters mentioned in the AU posts this week: cregan's bed warmers, lynneth and sanya.

  • MY DAUGHTERS. I'm gonna march up to the Bastion & free you, along with Colton ;-;

    hey people of the forum! i drew two characters mentioned in the AU posts this week: cregan's bed warmers, lynneth and sanya.

  • Just a warning - today's post might be a tad late (aka half an hour or so).

  • Part 3.04

    Turns out we're not late, I got home just in time to post : )

  • Woah! Randyll, come on, that's not necessary.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.04 Turns out we're not late, I got home just in time to post : )

  • Ffs, NO. Don't do this. Don't make Randyll so interesting & multi-dimensional. Stop making a part of me respect him. Stop making me hate him less. I've only just found a character I hate so goddamn hard, let me enjoy the feeling at least a bit before going back to the land of "sympathizing with 'em all". But no. You gotta do it a post after I got myself a "love to hate them" fave. [insert a sigh] Well, I suppose, I can't blame you for characters being too deep & interesting, right? Since that's kinda the point. Awesome job, Badger.

    And a question - isn't Boros supposed to be the heir, since he is the eldest living Warrick if Randyll were to die? I mean, being an Elite Guard isn't like Kingsguard, it's a simple employment, wouldn't lordship be the priority for Boros? Or do Whitehill Elites give up their names & families as well?

    And one more question... What are the grey lines on Bralla's face? They don't look like wrinkles or dirt, and I know, you're probably tired of explaining every single spot on the pics to me, but I can't help my curiosity xD

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.04 Turns out we're not late, I got home just in time to post : )

  • So he's into some heavy BDSM?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.04 Turns out we're not late, I got home just in time to post : )

  • And a question - isn't Boros supposed to be the heir, since he is the eldest living Warrick if Randyll were to die? I mean, being an Elite Guard isn't like Kingsguard, it's a simple employment, wouldn't lordship be the priority for Boros? Or do Whitehill Elites give up their names & families as well?

    Warricks are sent into exile at sixteen years old, and are only allowed back if they make a name for themselves. Cregan stayed because he was Ormund's heir since birth, Colton is under sixteen. Randyll came back after exile because he was a knight, but also because he could strongarm his way back into the bastion with brute force. Grag was a nobody until Whitehill Of Ironrath came up and he became Castellan, but by that point he probably thought being at Ironrath was better and he was more respected. Whitehill Elites don't give up their names, but Boros isn't a knight and this means the Warricks don't consider him 'worthy' of the 'honour' of returning. Regardless, Randyll specifically named Colton his heir, and this pretty much sets it in stone. The ASOIAF wiki says "a lord may lay out specific terms for inheritance or pass over their offspring in his will", meaning that sometimes Lords can choose a specific child to succeed them instead of their eldest or something. It also says that this can cause disputes after a Lord's death, but we saw that Boros has some sort of admiration for Colton so he probably wouldn't dispute it.

    And one more question... What are the grey lines on Bralla's face? They don't look like wrinkles or dirt, and I know, you're probably tired of explaining every single spot on the pics to me, but I can't help my curiosity xD

    Age-old Greyscale scars from when she was a child. Other potential husbands probably considered her 'damaged goods' because of it, unfortunately.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Ffs, NO. Don't do this. Don't make Randyll so interesting & multi-dimensional. Stop making a part of me respect him. Stop making me hate

  • It's more 'please strap me down so I don't writhe as much while I have my face burned off' haha

    So he's into some heavy BDSM?

  • Part 3.05

    Another day, another POV. Time to see how Rodrik reacts to the Snow Twins.


  • AHH! This is awesome. I've been so excited for this part. Josera VS Rodrik!

    Man, I love Josera!

    I'm curious, in how your AU tells it, were Josera and Elsera born before or after Rodrik?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.05 Another day, another POV. Time to see how Rodrik reacts to the Snow Twins. Poorly.

  • Oh boy. Things seem tense now. It's bound to get worse once Gared hears what Rodrik did.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.05 Another day, another POV. Time to see how Rodrik reacts to the Snow Twins. Poorly.

  • I'm curious, in how your AU tells it, were Josera and Elsera born before or after Rodrik?

    Before, they're about 29-30, Rodrik is 26.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    AHH! This is awesome. I've been so excited for this part. Josera VS Rodrik! Man, I love Josera! I'm curious, in how your AU tells it, were Josera and Elsera born before or after Rodrik?

  • So... Josera is not expecting that headbutt, is he?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.05 Another day, another POV. Time to see how Rodrik reacts to the Snow Twins. Poorly.

  • Man, thinking about it I should have gone with a headbutt : P

    So... Josera is not expecting that headbutt, is he?

  • GASP! I didn't even consider that! Things are gonna go from tense to catastrophic.

    Oh boy. Things seem tense now. It's bound to get worse once Gared hears what Rodrik did.

  • Well duh, it has the word "butt" in it.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Man, thinking about it I should have gone with a headbutt : P

  • Although I'm not a fan of the North Grove bastards in the game, I feel like I can at least sympathize with their au versions. I'm with Josera on this one. He & Elsera, in all fairness, don't have much reasons to help house Forrester (and by "not much" I mean that I struggle to find at least one). Like hell they have to listen to insults & overall tolerate any kind of shit. If Rod wants any help, he's gonna have to learn how to compromise & respect. Those are no Forrester bannermen, they are equal allies & have to be treated as such.

    In fact, both in game & au those Snows make me sad. It feels like they are brainwashed into doing the most risky & complicated things for house Forrester & getting nothing in return.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.05 Another day, another POV. Time to see how Rodrik reacts to the Snow Twins. Poorly.

  • Oh, that was so good. That's why I love Josera, he was clearly holding a grudge but he seemed to have a strong desire to be with his family.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.06

  • Part 3.07

    In which Badgershite is about to shamelessly rip off the TV show.

  • Does Rodrik has a little gut feeling that Josera and Elsera are his siblings? Because everytime I see Elsera I see Ethan because they look very similar to each other. Is it just me? If it isn't, wouldn't Rodrik just look at Elsera and say you kind of look like my younger brother or something like that?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.07 In which Badgershite is about to shamelessly rip off the TV show.

  • He's definitely a lot calmer around Elsera and is more inclined to trust her. Maybe it's because he can see Ethan in her features, but it's subconscious and he hasn't realised it yet.

    Does Rodrik has a little gut feeling that Josera and Elsera are his siblings? Because everytime I see Elsera I see Ethan because they look v

  • edited August 2016

    Part 3.08

    In which Badgershite shamelessly rips off the TV show.

  • I love it! Seeing a younger version of those two is great! How old are Gregor and Duncan at that point?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.08 In which Badgershite shamelessly rips off the TV show.

  • Whoa. Gregor as a child. Didn't see that coming.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.08 In which Badgershite shamelessly rips off the TV show.

  • Awww, young Gregor is sooo cute!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.08 In which Badgershite shamelessly rips off the TV show.

  • Gregor is approximately thirteen here, Duncan's about twelve.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love it! Seeing a younger version of those two is great! How old are Gregor and Duncan at that point?

  • Oh my! Am I seeing this correctly?! I thought we'd get a flashback about current Forrester generation, but Jake, being a genius he is, came up with an even better idea! Young Gregor & Duncan! (Only feels safe to assume it's Dunc talking to him) ( SOBS, thanks for remindiing about him, Jake, the au needs this man, at least like this ;-;) And who is the little dude near them? My bet is Dunc's brother/Gared's dad. For some reason, I also have a feeling that whoever's calling Gregor is Gorden.

    At this exact moment in the story, it feels like a very good choice of a scene. Finally taking a look in the past, a thing that everyone seems to be missing. I really want Rodrik to take a look at the Forresters of that period & how his father's opinion on the Whitehill conflict was different from their's. Who knows? He might even get to know who started the War for the River Valley, which I would love to happen.

    Also, one little question I had after searching the wiki. Why is Targan, not a zombie but an alive wildling, accompanying the North Grove Squad? What reasons can he possibly have to join them? If we're gonna get to know it later in the story, then of course, don't spoil it, but if we won't, I'm real curious.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.08 In which Badgershite shamelessly rips off the TV show.

  • And who is the little dude near them? My bet is Dunc's brother/Gared's dad.

    I can confirm it isn't Gared's father - but their identity will be revealed soon enough.

    I really want Rodrik to take a look at the Forresters of that period & how his father's opinion on the Whitehill conflict was different from their's.

    Though this scene is primarily to convince Rodrik of the bastards' parentage, there are a few more revelations I managed to fit in alongside it.

    Also, one little question I had after searching the wiki. Why is Targan, not a zombie but an alive wildling, accompanying the North Grove Squad? What reasons can he possibly have to join them?

    He and his family are refugees after a Wight/White Walker attack. He has a family to protect and will take any offer going, including "come south with us and help take back ironrath, and you can make your home there."

    Krapinka posted: »

    Oh my! Am I seeing this correctly?! I thought we'd get a flashback about current Forrester generation, but Jake, being a genius he is, came

  • I've seen recent changes in Harys's page on the wiki & I dunno if I can ask - but it says he is providing Torrhen with information hoping to be accepted back to Highpoint & at the same time, that it's unknown what he gets out of the deal. So, is his motivation (being accepted back) now confirmed or should we still wait for more reasons to be revealed? Also, it now says he was born to a washerwoman, rather than being a son of kennel's master. Are there plot reasons for this or did you just decide this kind of backstory would fit your interpretation of him more? I'm trying to ask questions without asking for spoilers, but if it still sounds like I want them, I'm sorry about that xD

  • edited August 2016
  • Oooh... secrets. Maybe Gregor learned of the North Grove from his great uncle?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.09

  • So, is his motivation (being accepted back) now confirmed or should we still wait for more reasons to be revealed? So, is his motivation (being accepted back) now confirmed or should we still wait for more reasons to be revealed?

    I haven't properly finished revamping Harys's page, so some stuff is still lost in transit and mixed up. His reasoning for sending Torrhen intel is so that he can be accepted back into the main fold as he knows for a fact that House Whitehill of Ironrath is a sinking ship. His desires are more than that, but the specifics are yet to be revealed.

    Also, it now says he was born to a washerwoman, rather than being a son of kennel's master. Are there plot reasons for this or did you just decide this kind of backstory would fit your interpretation of him more?

    Yeah, I thought of something I like better than the kennel master, but like with the other stuff I haven't finished the page yet so some stuff has overlapped from the old thing. The Kennel Master is now an adoptive parent/father figure instead of a biological parent.

    Krapinka posted: »

    I've seen recent changes in Harys's page on the wiki & I dunno if I can ask - but it says he is providing Torrhen with information hopin

  • Awesome part. Just nitpicking, but you shouldn't it be 3.09?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Part 3.09

  • Force of habit after putting up all those remade Part 1 scenes - I'm still not used to the fact that we're in part 3 haha.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Awesome part. Just nitpicking, but you shouldn't it be 3.09?

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