Is the storm following jessie?

It seems to always show up where he is is it just a coincidence or is it following them?


  • I think it's true since in Episode 2 no matter which Order of The Stone member you chose to seek, the Wither Storm will be on Boom Town/Redstonia. But i guess he's following the Amulet.

  • Jesse was there when the Wither was born. And he/she threw that potion that could have destroyed its command block. Maybe that thing holds a grudge?

    Or it could just be a coincidence.

  • I think it's the amulet that's attracting him.

  • edited December 2015

    In the first episode, Gabriel shouted "It's after me, not you!" after telling Jesse to get back. Perhaps because he was holding the amulet at the time? On the other hand, perhaps the Wither Storm is attempting to vacation and just happens to show up wherever Jesse runs. "Ooh, I've always wanted to see Boom Town! Ooh, I wonder what Soren's special hideout looks like! Ooh, the Minecon! I've been wanting Gabriel's autograph my whole short life! Ooh, the temple of the Order of the Stone! A spectacular landmark, for sure! ...Gee, I wonder what that tiny person everyone keeps shouting 'JESSE!' to is doing here."

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