Best Episode

edited January 2010 in Sam & Max
whats your favorite episode of either season of Sam&Max


  • edited July 2009
    Season 1: "Abe Lincoln Must Die"
    Season 2: "Chariots of the Dogs"

    The latter, more so.
  • edited July 2009
    S1: Reality 2.0
    S2: Chariots
  • edited July 2009
    S1: Reality 2.0
    S2: Chariots

    What he said.
    (Although Abe Lincoln Must Die and Moai Better Blues are close seconds)
  • edited July 2009
    S1: Reality 2.0
    S2: Chariots
    Agreed. I enjoyed "What's New Beelzebub" a lot, but the time-bending concept of Chariots makes it an instant winner. :)
  • edited July 2009
    S1: Reality 2.0
    S2: Night Of The Raving Dead
  • edited July 2009
    Lapino wrote: »
    What he said.
    (Although Abe Lincoln Must Die and Moai Better Blues are close seconds)
    Agreed. I enjoyed "What's New Beelzebub" a lot, but the time-bending concept of Chariots makes it an instant winner. :)

    Actually, in season 2, there are three episodes for me that are close second :)
  • edited August 2009
    My sig pretty much explains it. No need to waste my breath.
  • edited January 2010
    bhxob wrote: »
    Season 1: "Abe Lincoln Must Die"
    Season 2: "Chariots of the Dogs"

    The latter, more so.

    Same here, especially loved Chariots if only because I think
    Max is funnier than 'regular' Max
  • edited January 2010
    S1: Reality 2.0
    S2: Chariots

    Same here, but Reality 2.0 BARELY edged out Bright Side of the Moon for S1

    I have this odd desire for them to use the Desoto insted of an elevator for time travel though... :rolleyes:
  • edited January 2010
    Season 1: Abe Lincoln Must Die (my favorite of all the Telltale games, actually.)
    Season 2: Night of the Raving Dead
  • edited January 2010
    S1: Abe > Reality > Bright
    S2: Chariots > What's > Night
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    S1: Abe > Reality > Bright
    S2: Chariots > What's > Night

  • edited January 2010
    Season 1 - Culture Shock (for me)
    Season 2 - Chariots of the Dogs
  • edited January 2010
    Season 1 - Culture Shock (for me)
    Season 2 - Chariots of the Dogs

    Culture Shock is not THAT bad actually. It reminds me of Hit the Road so much. It's just that Brady Culture just sucked. But I don't know... Oh god I just LOVED the feeling when I stepped into Bosco's Inconvenience for the very first time. Bosco is awesome, but that cheesy shopping music, the slight sound of roasting weiners, Sludgie machine with weird colored ingredients and etc; spectacular! So weird and unexpected that I can feel the "Sam and Max" in that scenery. This made it for Culture Shock. This, and the awesome hypnosis puzzle.
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Culture Shock is not THAT bad actually. It reminds me of Hit the Road so much. It's just that Brady Culture just sucked.

    I love the bad joke for his name (and outfit) but as a villian... yeah... he sucked... though the fact he was just an underling to a certain other villian makes it more tolelrable in the over-arching scheme of things... note I said "Tollerable" not "enjoyable"
  • edited January 2010
    Up until the end I had been still having to get back into the feel of playing a Sam and Max, heck, a LucasArts style game. But once I got to the theater and saw the creepy cymbal playing monkey I knew. This was a real adventure game.
  • edited January 2010
    I actually liked Culture Shock - way better than the 102 episode, definitely.
  • edited January 2010
    PariahKing wrote: »
    I actually liked Culture Shock - way better than the 102 episode, definitely.

    102 was a very hard one for me, several puzzles made no sence imo and I had to use a walkthrough for much of it... (though it looks like TTG has learned from their games as ToMI I had only 1 or 2 puzzles I had to look up... I hope this continues into S+M S3)
  • edited January 2010
    102 was nonsense. There were so much "try all options and get it right" puzzles (Shooting of Midnight Cowboys, Embarrassing Idol puzzle, and the final Myra part). I never needed a walkthrough until Reality 2.0. It's really embarrasing for me, because I checked it out to understand how I could get into the office in minimized mode.

    In each ToMI there is at least one good puzzle, so it's not a good thing to check a walkthrough when playing ToMI. I wouldn't really like it when I ruin the greatest puzzle in the chapter...
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    In each ToMI there is at least one good puzzle, so it's not a good thing to check a walkthrough when playing ToMI. I wouldn't really like it when I ruin the greatest puzzle in the chapter...

    Yeah, but when you've been thrown around lechuck's ship for the 80th time it gets kinda old...

    I think TTG said they were trying now "to make the player feel clever instead of the designer" and 95% of the time it worked well in ToMI. S+M... not as much... I hope it goes more this way in S3
  • edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    102 was nonsense. There were so much "try all options and get it right" puzzles (Shooting of Midnight Cowboys, Embarrassing Idol puzzle, and the final Myra part).

    Disagree here, mostly. The shooting puzzle had some basic logic you could figure out (the toothpaste ad was a major hint), and the rest were so funny it didn't hurt trying. The Idol puzzle was perfectly logical for me. You're right about the Myra puzzle, but it was easy to solve by chance.
    Falanca wrote: »
    It's really embarrasing for me, because I checked it out to understand how I could get into the office in minimized mode.

    Same here, and I also felt stupid :)
    Falanca wrote: »
    In each ToMI there is at least one good puzzle, so it's not a good thing to check a walkthrough when playing ToMI. I wouldn't really like it when I ruin the greatest puzzle in the chapter...

    For me, Tales is a masterpiece of puzzle design, easily the best TTG has ever done.
  • edited January 2010
    Both seasons have two episodes tying for the crown of "best" in my book

    Season 1: Abe Lincoln Must Die! vs. Reality 2.0
    Season 2: Night of the Raving Dead vs. What's New, Beelzebub?
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