Batman - a new TWAU?

Hello guys, long time no see! Anyway, I'm kinda excited at TT making another detective game with a really powerful protagonist/detective. Do you think it shall bear many resemblances to our beloved TWAU, it happening in a big city, the protagonist being alike in some aspects and all that?


  • It depends, hopefully it wont be super similar because then I would just be upset that they went with Batman instead of Wolf Season 2

  • edited December 2015

    I'm actually quite excited for this game cuz I love the DC universe and Batman! :D

    Will it be like TWAU? MAYBE.

    Batman and Bigby are both completely different characters of course. For a start Batman has a code that he will not kill; whereas Bigby couldn't really give 2 shits.

    I can see a lot of dark/noir themes coming into play however... So basically, while it may feel like TWAU, it won't be TWAU

    Huff and Puff TellTale, I want that Season 2

  • edited December 2015

    Here's the way I look at it:

    Setting - similar feel to TWAU, but not as colorful since Gotham City is supposed to be dark and gritty

    Women - I'm sure every girl present in the upcoming Batman game will bear the same cuteness (and sexiness) level compared to... let's say Nerissa or Bloody Mary from TWAU - bet they even made it a standard at Telltale by now

  • I do consider the upcoming Batman game a spiritual successor of The Wolf Among Us. It is almost the same vibe and setting.

  • edited December 2015

    I'm a HUGE, HUGE fan of Batman (he's basically been my favourite comic-book hero since childhood), so I'm really looking forward to this.

    Would be interesting to see the choice presented to players as Batman (and possibly Bruce Wayne?), and I also like the way the graphics seem to be comic book style (at least from that trailer it seems).

    By the way Hazza, did you get the TPB for TWAU yet? It's recently been released (I just got my copy few hours ago). From the looks of it, the whole series would be about 3 Volumes in total (since they crunched in Episode 1 & 2 into one whole volume).

    Almost 2 weeks to go until I officially give up on TWAU Season 2 (unless Telltale makes an announcement before that, lol).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm actually quite excited for this game cuz I love the DC universe and Batman! Will it be like TWAU? MAYBE. Batman and Bigby are bot

  • Recently Batman has been getting a ton of awesome games and movies so I'm excited as well!

    Oh yeah I almost forgot about that :P I never really consider Bruce Wayne when I think of Batman... Then again I am adamant in my belief that Batman is insane himself, and has a full split personality disorder: One side is the charming Bruce Wayne, the other is the dedicated crime fighter Batman.

    Oh shit that would've been a good Xmas present! :'( The answer is no, but I will be ordering them very soon! XD

    I'll keep it all in the back of my mind. TellTale's teasing is just complete shit otherwise and that will make me lose faith in them :/

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I'm a HUGE, HUGE fan of Batman (he's basically been my favourite comic-book hero since childhood), so I'm really looking forward to this.

  • I might be reluctant to buy it when it comes out since, I donnt know. Im just really tired of having batman merchandise getting shoved in my face. E.G. countless batman movie adaptions, game adaptions, graphic novel adaptions. Like, come on! there are so many other heroes that could have taken the spotlight. Yet, they go the same 'safe' route ( character wise) like every other person that chooses superheroes to do adaptions of and choose Batman?! Come telltale push the bounderies why dont ya? So yeah.... I most likely wont buy. Im tired of Batman. =/

  • I hear what you're saying. You're right, Batman has been overdone. But what can we do about it, it's not like TT will listen to us :D

    MsBloo posted: »

    I might be reluctant to buy it when it comes out since, I donnt know. Im just really tired of having batman merchandise getting shoved in my

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