Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 Ending (WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • Alright alright... For the moms out there

    Just saying you might want to spoiler tag it

  • Ha I did not see that earlier thanks

    Emotional. Watch your spelling.

  • I won't stop mourning until I at least see Reuben again. I dont care if it gets disadvantages.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    This isn't fair! Reuben's death will ruin the game! We told them to not do it, but they didn't listen! I WANT HIM BACK! IT DOESNT IDSSAPOINT PEOPLE! ITS LIKE SAYING THEY HATE REUBEN! If we revive him, the game will stop being ruined.

  • That was very well said/written/whatever. It's nice to see people like you who understand and enjoy stories and don't just play the game because IT'S MINECRAFT OMGHA HIWJ EQQQQQQQQQQQ or IT HAS GUNS or something

    Then tell him it's just a game and that it will be fine. Seriously, a death should not ruin the overall enjoyment one has when playing a gam

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