How do you rank the Star Wars films?

edited February 2018 in General Chat



    1. Empire Strikes Back
    2. The Force Awakens
    3. Revenge of the Sith
    4. A New Hope
    5. Return of the Jedi
    6. Attack of the Clones
    7. The Phantom Menace
    1. Empire Strikes Back (a classic)
    2. Star Wars (better name than A New Hope)
    3. The Force Awakens (awesome but not comparable to the two above)
    4. Revenge of the Sith (best of the prequels but I dislike Anakin's acting
    5. Return of the Jedi (great conclusion but I dislike the ewoks)
    6. The Phantom Menace (boring, crappy cgi, and Jar Jar Binks. At least it has that awesome podrace and Darth Maul fight)
    7. Attack of the Clones (boring, crappy cgi, terrible written romance, and ruined Yoda for me)
  • Empire Strikes Back is the best in the original trilogy. Weakest is Return of the Jedi

    Revenge of the Sith is the best in the prequel trilogy (even though it's still not that good) while Phantom Menace is the worst.

    Force Awakens was really damn good and is probably the best Star Wars movie we got in a while.

  • Attack of the clones> All

    And Jar Jar Binks is the best character.

  • edited December 2015
    1. The Force Awakens - I must admit, this is the only movie I've enjoyed in it's entirety, I never once yawned, sighed or get distracted by something else. I loved the characters both new and old, I got more attached to the newer characters than I ever have with the previous characters, I liked seeing more diversity in the films(although wish that they would have more alien main characters like Yoda) It felt a bit fast paced to me and occasionally I felt like the emotions were a little over-dramatic for the short time characters knew each other, but movies can only be a certain length I guess, I can't wait to see the next movies.
    2. Revenge of the Sith - I thoroughly enjoyed this film, it was my favorite before The Force Awakens, the thing I like the most is the Order 66 Plot, not that I like seeing my favorite characters die but because it made me become allot more interested in the entire Franchise, the Yoda and Darth Sidious fight was great! General Grievous was awesome and the beginning with Anakin and Count Dooku, and later Mace Windu, changed my perspective on Anakin's character, at least temporarily.
    3. The Empire Strikes Back - The romance between Han and Leia was great here, plus Hoth is one of the Planets in the Star Wars Universe that feels the most unique and contrasts to Tatooine.
    4. Return of the Jedi - A great one, I liked how we got to see how Luke developed over the span of multiple episodes and how Darth Vader got some development as well, plus we saw Darth Sidious fight again.
    5. Attack of the Clones - Adding Clones to the universe created one of my favorite TV Shows - Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and the Battle of Geonosis is one of my favorite Battles in the entire franchise, seeing many Jedi fight many Clones was great, so was seeing Anakin fight for the first time against Count Dooku.
    6. A New Hope - It was a great movie, my first Star Wars movie I believe, I enjoyed it too, although it did get a bit boring at the beginning but I liked seeing something entirely new.
    7. The Phantom Menace - I liked the Phantom Menace as well, the only reason it's my least favorite is because it felt like the slowest movie in my opinion, I did enjoy seeing the past of the characters I've come to love from the Original Trilogy and I also enjoyed the battle with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon against Darth Maul.

    Overall, I loved each movie, I like The Phantom Menace and A New Hope about the same but being brought into this experience makes A New Hope better for me.

  • Before I list mine im not saying number one is a good movie or the best of them all but this one is just my favourite causes its the first one I watched and loved most of it.

    1. Attack of the clones (Besides the annoying Romance and eh CGI this film holds a place in my heart)
    2. Empire strike back (Just an amazing film from hoth to cloud city)
    3. Star wars (Just an amazing classic film)
    4. Return of the Jedi (Great end to a great trilogy)
    5. The force awakens ( great come back after the prequels and so many years just one or two issues for me about it)
    6. Revenge of the sith (it had some good parts in it and I think was the best they could do to finish the prequel trilogy)
    7. The phantom menace (Beside Liam neeson and darth maul battle it has nothing else I like about it)
  • edited December 2015
    1. Empire strikes back (I watched this one all the time when i was younger)
    2. Attack of the clones (This one was pretty good)
    3. Return of the Jedi (A awesome ending to an awesome series, can't wait to see how things changed in The Force Awakens)
    4. A New Hope (A good start to the series)
    5. Revenge of the sith (The Ending of this was kinda dark, dark doesn't really fit with Star Wars, but still pretty good)
    6. The Phantom Menace (This one was all over the place to me, i barely remember parts of the movie.

    I can't rank The Force Awakens yet because i haven't seen it, but once i watch it, ill update this comment or make a new one.

  • 1 The Phantom Menace

    2 A New Hope

    3 Revenge Of The Sith

    4 The Force Awakens

    5 Return Of The Jedi

    6 Empire Strikes Back

    7 Attack Of The Clones

  • 1 The Force Awakens (oh yes I did)

    2 The Empire Strikes Back

    3 A New Hope

    4 Return of the Jedi - I think George Lucas started to lose it here, it just about got away with not being a stinker.

    5 Revenge of the Sith - Bad but the most enjoyable of the three prequels.

    6 Attack of the Clones - The plot makes no sence and Hayden Christensen was terrible.

    7 The Phantom Menace - Even George knew it was a mess

    So Hope and Empire are really hard to order so they're interchangeable. The prequels are all terrible but I think I've ordered them in the correct terriblest. Force Awakens is brilliant. I've seen it twice now and was not bored at all in my second viewing which I have been on most second viewings of films, most recently Ultron. Sure there are flaws in it, but nothing to damaging for it to be anything less than amazing. I'm so pleased Disney threw out whatever plot George Lucas came to the table with.

    1. The Empire Strikes Back

    2. A New Hope

    3. A toss up between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. I can't decide which of the two I like better.

    4. Revenge of the Sith

    5. The Phantom Menace

    6. Attack of the Clones

    The Force Awakens is also light years ahead of any of the prequel films in quality, all of which were fairly disappointing. Revenge of the Sith was the only prequel film that was halfway decent, but it still suffered from terrible casting decisions that were made in early prequel films. Hayden Christian was terrible and completely wrong for the part of Anakin Skywalker, and Natalie Portman turned in by far the worst performance of her career. The two of them also had zero chemistry.

    The new series is already off to a great start in that there was no casting mistakes.

  • edited December 2015

    The Empire Strikes Back>Return of the Jedi=The Force Awakens>A New Hope>Revenge of the Sith>>>>>>>>>Attack of the Clones>The Phantom Menace

    Yeah I put ROTJ over A New Hope. The final throne room scene was just so good that it elevates it above, even with its flaws. And The Force Awakens is fantastic. I'd probably put it even slightly above ROTJ, but for now they're just on par.

  • I like the empire strikes back=)

    1. Empire Strikes Back
    2. A New Hope
    3. The Force Awakens
    4. Return Of The Jedi

    The prequels don't even matter anymore.

  • These are all so varied, glad there's not much prequel hate haha. I can't rank them to be honest, they're all great imo.

    1. Empire Strikes Back
    2. A New Hope
    3. The Force Awakens
    4. Revenge of the Sith
    5. Return of the Jedi
    6. The Phantom Menace
    7. Attack of the Clones
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