Episode 4 Lukas Dialouge
If you played or watch Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4 you know what I am talking about.
Lukas is agaisnt you depends on how you treat him.
This counts from:
Saving Lukas from the basement or not
Gave him the cookie or not
Treat him with respect or not
I am not sure. I didn't get to play Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4
I had issues with it. I will reinstall it later...
But from what I seen is that it counts on how you treat him.
I don't know. I got a couple chatter when Lukas is leaving;
If you treat him badly:
Jesse: Lukas. What are you doing?
Lukas: I told you. I am going after my friends. I thought the other Ocelots are dead... But if they're not I have to go find them.
Jesse: You can't just up and leave Lukas -- You're a part of our team.
Lukas: You saying just reminds me that I left my team.
Jesse: Lukas- got interupt by Lukas
Lukas: Jesse, let's be honest. You've never treated me like I belong with you guys. You even once told me to stay away from Reuben . So it's time I go find my real friends.
Jesse: You're being stupid you could get killed out there!
Lukas: And wanting me to help my friends makes me stupid?! I don't need this. I am going after the people who know what friendship actually means.
Me: K thnx bai
Anyways I didn't get the dialouge if you treat him good. But special thanks to www.youtube.com/TrueTriz to be the first one uploading episode four. So I can watch it instead of having pain downloading and crashing. Anyways. See you guys later. Feel free to put in different dialouge here.
I just edited the discussion post (sorry I don't get too much info on Episode 5 so I decide to change stuff up)
Oh my god this thing fails so hard...
That's pretty interesting, as I had not noticed some of those changes in other playthroughs. Nice find!
Also, I changed your thread title to make it more vague - keep in mind most people haven't played Episode 4 yet, so it's better to be vague with spoilers in thread titles. Thanks!