American Election 2016 Online Quiz
Hey folks!
During the UK elections earlier this year I found this website which is really cool - you fill in your political views and it tells you who you actually agree most with!
Thought it would be cool to see how the forum is aligned!
This is my result:
Any my top 5
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As expected, I am a dirty leftist. Though I was expecting to get SPUSA instead of Green Party for my top match.
EDIT: Pressed add comment instead of reply..
Interesting! Though I'm not quite sure how I agree 97% with Bernie and 93% with Hillary, but you're 98% Bernie and 87% Hillary? ...How does that work?
Not sure, but it might have something to with the "how important is this to you" bar.
I rated unions, healthcare and security issues highest. Social issues were somewhere in the middle and immigration generally less important.
I side 90% with Bernie Sanders, then it's like Hilary with 87%. Also I agree with the Democratic party on most issues.
Fun little time waster.
This seems cool, Thanks for sharing! I'll complain about most of the candidates one way or another but I generally consider myself more of a Republican. I'm pretty surprised that my top two are CARSON and TRUMP though.... Not sure what to say lol
Odd, you didn't strike me as the super conservative or nationalist type.
You also got surprisingly high scores compared to the Green Party / SPUSA. Guess that makes you a populist.
That's where I'm surprised too- Generally I'm more of an independent but I guess I'll lean towards the Conservatives but I'm surprised that my top two are CARSON AND TRUMP lol
Did you rate social issues as more important than economic issues? That might explain it.
I only matched the Republican Party 5%, lol.
Hilary Clinton and Democratic
Some people just want to watch the world BERN!
No, I put somewhat for both lol...
It said I sided with Hillary the most for Social and Bernie the most for Economic... Meh, I kinda hate Hillary and I kind knew I leaned towards the Republicans more than to the Democrats but I'm just surprised that Carson and Trump are my top two. Well...I guess I'll be a redneck and get one of those stylish hats
Huh, interesting results. Which party do you side with?
I usually side with Democratic on most topics.
Plot twist : Kellogs is Donald Trump.
99%? Holy shit.
Coming Soon
Just wanted to say your link gives us your matches, not the quiz main page.
I've taken several of these quizzes over the last few elections, the good ones are suppose to remove the bullshit of campaigning and propaganda and try to just see which platform do you align with. I do like that this site had links right there for giving more insight on the issues (though tbh, I doubt people used them). Also a few of the question were not as neutral as they could've been in phrasing (because yes, that does play a big factor in how you answer).
Anyway, in the past, I've been very Green and Democratic second but this time, according this test, I ended up Dem. first and Green second. Which I would attribute to me taking a stronger left social stance this election because of the increasing tension being built in that area, when before I wasn't paying as much attention to it. I remember back in high school Government class we took tests like these to see which parties we aligned with, I was Green again, but most people who thought they were Republican were actually Libertarian. I'm just adding this in to point out that as people get more educated overall and on issues, there is the natural tendency to move towards being progressive and be liberal in social issues. Where the Republican Party pushes itself as being conservative through and through (and Democrats being vice versa) but there are so many different levels that we as a country desperately need multiple parties being relevant and get rid of this monopolized two party system. Almost no other true democracy does it, and our multiple founding fathers denounced such an idea, but here we are that election will go to either the Republican or Democrat candidate.
Taking these kinds of quizzes I keep realizing how much I'm not nearly as liberal as I thought I was. On economics and domestic freedoms I'm pinko all the way, but when it comes to social issues, most notably, and perhaps ironically, immigration, I have a moderate streak (here it said I agreed most with Jeb Bush).
I'll also protest that Jill Stein isn't listed anywhere - to my understanding she is the decided candidate of the Green Party. Plus her slogan of "A Green New Deal" hit all the rigth buttons for me.
Hillary Clinton--92%, Bernie Sanders--88%, Martin O'Malley--72%.
I vote Democrat, baby! Lol.
According to the quiz, I sided mostly with Hilary Clinton and I don't even like her. At least it knows I'm a centrist.
I'm registered with no party affiliation, as a lot of my views are liberal, but some of my views are conservative as well. In the three elections that I voted in (I didn't vote in 2004, as I was a caretaker of my grandparents, and couldn't leave them alone), I voted for the Republican candidate once, and the other two times I voted Democrat.
The chart actually shows that quite well (and it explains why I'm having such a hard time deciding who to vote for as none of the candidates have a strong amount of beliefs that correspond with mine):
I'd probably vote Sanders if he won the Democratic nomination. If Clinton won, I'm not sure which way I'd go, since I don't really care for her.
Huh..Interesting, though I did this little quiz just for fun, I'm really surprised of the results, I guess being a Latino and a son of a Mexican immigrant was a big factor. Who knew I would be sided with the Democratic party despite honestly not being a big fan of it in any sort. Then again the Republican party isn't any better either, the struggles of living in a county with a two party system...
I've lost interest in politics for a long time now, I guess for the sake of my sanity. But can't wait for the inevitable sh*t storm that's coming next year, this is gonna be fun!
Even the one at the bottom of my post?
Also the link to my result has the button for the quiz on the right so it's not too tricky regardless?
Going off what you said about needed more than two parties.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, and I think the ideal number of parties would be four.
Socialist / Social Democratic Party
Liberal Party
Conservative Party
National Party
I would've expected you to be more on the Libertarian side of things. Given your foreign policy stances.
Hopefully for the RIGHT democrat.
Hey, we might have a multi-party system soon. I can't see the GOP surviving in its current form, if they're humiliated in another election defeat.
And a lot of Democrats, like myself, are in open revolt because of the underhanded, shitty way the DNC is fixing the campaign in favor of Hillary. Plus I think the criticisms of neoliberal capitalism (which both parties follow) are becoming too intense from both sides to be sustainable.
There pretty bad, I'm glad ill never have to decide between them
Does anyone know wen they announce the leader, I see little reason to pay much attention before that
I personally think we need more than that, but that would be a step in the right direction.
The election isn't until next November, and yes, most sane Americans believe campaigning so early is terrible, it's a waste of time and money and takes attention away from important issues that are happening right now.
Really? What makes you say that? I said I wanted to keep foreign aid (no option to drop the Saudis though, I'd be in favor of that), I forget if there was the option to coordinate with Russia against ISIS in Syria, but I did something like that... I'm not against intervention per se, I think recent interventions, particularly in Libya, have done little more than destabilize the country. At its best, its saving thousands of people and in the attempt getting tens of thousands killed. Iraq I'm a bit more wishy-washy about - there's no way we should have invaded in 2003, but I do still have a bit of 'you broke it, you bought it' attitude.
Ah, for some reason I'd got it into my head that you wrote off foreign aid and intervention of all kinds. Must've been someone else.
Still surprised to see how (for lack of a better term) statist everyone is. I thought Libertarians were gaining a lot of traction, guess not so much around here.
Shame, I like debating with them.
I have not signed up for a political party, but I'm satisfied with my results anyways.