What did you all think of episode 4?



    (jokes aside i agree with you :) )

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just cried like a baby. I would say maybe... 9.8/10 Maybe that's too much? Idk...

  • I'm beginning to think they will. Since Lukas is our friend. :3

    I'm curious on how Lukas's old friends will act from now on. I wonder if they will treat people with respect now.

  • It's going to suck on replays....

    Yeah I guess, but I thought the "random" events during the maze helped break the monotony, but I can see why some found it a little too long.

  • It was great!

    Also, about Reuben's death (I got spoiled about it one or two days ago so I was expecting it), as sad as it was and all... I don't understand what was the point of killing him? I mean, when you kill a character, it's to move away the plot... well that's what I've read anyway. I personally think Telltale just killed him for drama, and if I'm right, that's not cool. I love Reuben, man. T_T

    But other than that, I have no complaints. The command block used to imprison the Ender Dragon... that was really a surprise! The episode was intense, emotional. I loved it :3

    Also I love the fact that Lukas will act differently around you depending on your choices. I really like it when little things like that are added, and I was honestly worried Telltale would forget about Lukas (should've let him stay btw, I could've said he had excellent hair and he would've got an armor too D:)

  • I don't think so, because when you actually use a command block to remove something in the original game, it doesn't come back. But maybe Telltale will ignore Minecraft rules or something I dunno :P

    But they also didn't seem that competent lol. They might have trapped it without knowing.

  • Continue episode 5, don't let Reuben's death be in vain.

  • he was really pale though, so you never know. also i assume a fall would be an imediant death but they might not be following rules here

    IceKane posted: »

    The bite only got his leg, so most likely fall damage.

  • Thanks for all the comments on here guys, hearing all these opinions and thoughts on the episode are awesome!

  • A certain pig's death sapped away the fact that I won. In the end it makes sense though, he's a pig; we loved him, but how long did we expect Reuben to last before it became shoehorned? Bravo Telltale, Bravo!

  • edited December 2015

    Best episode so far. Everyone was cool in this episode including Petra, Olivia, Axel, Lukas and Ivor, the Order of the Stone were completely useless. What I hated about it is Reuben's demise.

  • Bad luck, I guess

    IceKane posted: »

    I hoped that he landed in the water, too, y'know?

  • What's weird is that we fall through the same hole, even if during the battle inside the wither storm outside moved Reuben was still way too far from the water

    IceKane posted: »

    I hoped that he landed in the water, too, y'know?

  • Because the wither storm moves? The bottom of the hole must have been land when Reuben fell, then maybe it moved to the water, before you did.

    What's weird is that we fall through the same hole, even if during the battle inside the wither storm outside moved Reuben was still way too far from the water

  • I personally enjoyed the maze.

    Yeah I guess, but I thought the "random" events during the maze helped break the monotony, but I can see why some found it a little too long.

  • They ignored allot of Minecraft's rules already, for one - they have voices in Story Mode.

    I don't think so, because when you actually use a command block to remove something in the original game, it doesn't come back. But maybe Telltale will ignore Minecraft rules or something I dunno :P

  • I loved it, honestly, I didn't think much of Minecraft: Story Mode at first, just thought it was an enjoyable kids game but since Episode 3, I've been looking at it in a different perspective, TTG caught me off guard with how they made Episode 4, it was emotional, filled with the essence that made me love the first season of The Walking Dead Game, more gameplay puzzles, more difficulty, more optional dialogue and decisions that change more of the story, I can't wait for Episode 5!

  • That's true lol

    prink34320 posted: »

    They ignored allot of Minecraft's rules already, for one - they have voices in Story Mode.

  • Definitely my favorite episode! I think the only one in this series I didn't like was episode one, so overall I'm satisfied with my investment into Story Mode. Well done!

  • This episode is definitely my favorite episode. Episode 1 and 2 have this rather lighthearted atmosphere to it. Then episode 3 sparked the drama and seriousness when either Ellegaard or Magnus dies as well as the stakes have become higher with the Wither becoming stronger.

    Episode 4 definitely felt most engaging. I suddenly like Axel when he stopped being selfish and Magmus showing more of his caring side. I actually like Ivor who is now an ally. Then Reuben dies and I truly felt that I have lost my friend.

  • edited December 2015

    If you go into the maze at the start (instead of finding another way), you can actually save yourself a lot of time! I'm pleasantly surprised, because I found that out just now.

    Abeille posted: »

    Never said it was hard. I can't think of anything on this or in any other TellTale game I played that was actually hard, aside from coping with the feels. What I said is that it was painfully long. If only Jesse walked a little faster...

  • i liked at alot but i hate it because reuban died

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