Do you think there will be a season 2

I think it may happen but not sure


  • Even thought it may seem so because of the new order of the stone it coukd just be a one episode thing, until we got any news no one really knows it's a stalemate as of now

  • I don't think so, I just don't think it's been popular enough for it to garner a second season.

  • Maybe? We'll have to see if episode 5 leaves anything for there to be a continuation.

  • I don't think so. Would be cool tho.

  • I can already hear the angry cries of the other sections (specifically Tales and Wolf).

  • Yes. If not they would have bumped the ending up to episode 5.

  • Not that likely, because there's not really much to present, since Jesse and friends has been just about everywhere (Except for the ocean monument, which the Order already 'defeated')

  • you are right they have been everywhere

    IceKane posted: »

    Not that likely, because there's not really much to present, since Jesse and friends has been just about everywhere (Except for the ocean monument, which the Order already 'defeated')

  • I hope so! I'm really loving this game!

  • I think it's likely. It makes sense story-wise, as the 1st season is about building the new order, and the 2nd would (presumably) be about acting as the new order.
    Also I don't know how it did sales-wise, but it does make sense for them to make a series out of their one game targeting younger audiences.

  • There's a possibility, because the Narrator said that there are many more worlds than just this one, which may be a hint for a Season 2, because Other World = Other Story.

  • There are always more

    IceKane posted: »

    Not that likely, because there's not really much to present, since Jesse and friends has been just about everywhere (Except for the ocean monument, which the Order already 'defeated')

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