Episode 4 - About Ellegard

So looking back on how Ellegard and Magnus coped after splitting from the Order in episode 2, I seem to have a slightley different opinion of them after episode 4.

The Order of the Stone started to become dependent on the Command Block, and they abused its power for taking credit for all the things it did.

After the Order split up, Magnus decided to live as an outcast king in Boom Town, and earns his tittle from day to day in the competitive town.

Meanwhile, Ellegard is not only keeping the secret about the command block, she's been trying to create ANOTHER command block. After all the grief it put the order through, and the lies that resulted. She also seems to be trying to take credit for the invention of the command block since Soren wanted to keep the story a secret.

On one hand Ellegard could just be trying to redeem her past actions by making the block available to all, so the citizens can understand it's power, thus allowing the citizens to perform amazing feats while allowing the populace to become skeptical about anything like what the order doing happening.

On the other... she could just be trying to do this to gain an even greater status among the people than the rest of the order. She seems to be very self centered in the way she does things, but then again so does Magnus.

I don't know, although what Magnus does as a Griefer/Rough is very quesetionable, building off the frauds of the Order seems even more morally questionable.

I won't judge her immediately, maybe this will be covered in episode 5. But I at least feel more comfortable about Magnus as I did before in comparison to Ellegard.

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