Reuben !!!!!

I ask the question to Telltale, why they left dead Reuben in the story , I find that I who am me to stick to Reuben, I cried for it, and to tell you I am 18 years old, that really touched me and I am not the only one to find that sad, that disgusted me, having read some subjects, certain people found useless Reuben it is horrible to say his, openly he inherits me as much as the others to be a member of the order of the stone, then Telltale, I would like to know why you made her !!


  • Please, no spoilers in the title m8. People can still see what you say there without clicking on a spoiler warning.

  • Ok sorry i correct that :)

  • I love this pig

  • You're really 18? lolwut

    Unless you're probably 5, no one cries about fictional stuff.

  • That is just plain not true. I'm 18 and I cried when Lee and Kenny died, I was also crying when Sasha was "dying" in TFTBL, and many other people, both younger and older, did the same thing.

    You're really 18? lolwut Unless you're probably 5, no one cries about fictional stuff.

  • Sasha was so predictable, the worst part is, they revived her, like wtf, I rolled my eyes. Keeny survives no matter what.

    But yeah, i think its kinda crazy crying over fake things

  • Kenny doesn't survive, you can shoot him either before or after he kills Jane, doing it after causes him to get shot in the head.

    Sasha was so predictable, the worst part is, they revived her, like wtf, I rolled my eyes. Keeny survives no matter what. But yeah, i think its kinda crazy crying over fake things

  • I mean Kenny survives no matter what in season 2
    Also, I Thought kenny could survive if you followed him and let him kill jane

    Kenny doesn't survive, you can shoot him either before or after he kills Jane, doing it after causes him to get shot in the head.

  • Kenny does survive if you go with him, but he doesn't always survive in Season 2. The possible outcomes for Season 2 are:

    1. Go with Kenny to Wellington and stay (Jane is dead, Kenny is unknown)
    2. Go with Kenny to Wellington and leave (Jane is dead, Kenny is alive)
    3. Go with Jane to Howe's, let the family in (Kenny is dead)
    4. Go with Jane to Howe's, tell the family to fuck off (Kenny is dead)
    5. Alone

    There are 3 possible ways to get the Alone ending:

    1. Let Kenny kill Jane, leave Kenny (Jane is dead, Kenny is unknown)
    2. Kill Kenny, leave Jane (Kenny is dead, Jane is unknown)
    3. Let Kenny kill Jane, kill Kenny (both are dead)

    I mean Kenny survives no matter what in season 2 Also, I Thought kenny could survive if you followed him and let him kill jane

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