
Hello @TellTale Team,

as many other players and fans of your products, we got an issue with the language settings in MCSM.
I am living in germany, it's also my native tongue, but i am very fond of the english language when it comes to games, movies and books. So i set everything into english on my PC.
I got MCSM on steam as a present and started playing it, but all text based object are displayed in german. Meaning: Subtitels, buttons, choices, menu, etc

There are several posts in forums giving us options on how to, possibly change it, i tried those, like:

installscript.vdf -every setting in there is for english

regedit -every setting is in english

MSCM folder, archives -i deleted all the german based files

Windows 10 -runs in english

Steam -runs in english (naturally)

i also tried to set it into other languages, like spanish, russian, portuguese but no luck, it was always displayed in german.
i am running out of options here, or to be more specific, i am running out of ideas for other options.
if you could give your community a sign that you're working on it, or something (just answer a post where we are desperately discuss on how to change the language)


See we're in great peril of loosing hope.

Love your games non the less

My regards


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