The nearest main city is about 100km from me, I live in a town.
Snakes are pretty common outside cities, yes suburbs get them. Remember they are only animals, they roam around and sometimes turn up in places they shouldn't be in.
I live in Australia, but I rarely hear about snakes showing up in suburbs. Is it just so common that it's not noteworthy? Maybe it's just the area I live in that doesn't get snakes that much.
Funny story, right? Me and my class were all huddled in the gym, doing what we do, y'know? Some nonsense was going on outside, sounded a lit… moretle life threatening, so some girl we knew took a bunch of pills. Next thing we know, her friends went inside to go see if she was okay, and she straight up ate a bitch. By then, the whole gym was freaking out. We all managed to get out of there and run for the hills. It was just me, my friend, and my teacher. After months of surviving out in the wilderness with no cell phone signal, my teacher stepped into an altered bear trap. Some guys came running to help us and had to cut his freaking leg off, that was pretty gruesome. Then my friend got eaten by some people, also gruesome, and the guys took me and my teacher to some motor inn they were hiding out in.
The rest is history.
I guess you just had to have been there, it was pretty funny.
Only I was not doing that. So she definitely has serious mental problems for making herself needlessly angry over something I wasn't doing. And for wanting to confront and rant in someone's face for no justified or rational reason.
Let me help you out on that first one.
talent show in the gym
A little girl was on stage and halfway through her performance sh… moree started to cry
I was casually talking to my friend next to me like any normal kid would do
she ranted into my face about how "very difficult" it is to get up on stage
still don't know why she did what she did to me. I think she has serious mental problems.
no, lmao. she thought you were talking about the girl on stage and making fun of her crying.
Only I was not doing that. So she definitely has serious mental problems for making herself needlessly angry over something I wasn't doing. And for wanting to confront and rant in someone's face for no justified or rational reason.
I live in Australia, but I rarely hear about snakes showing up in suburbs. Is it just so common that it's not noteworthy? Maybe it's just the area I live in that doesn't get snakes that much.
Funny story, right? Me and my class were all huddled in the gym, doing what we do, y'know? Some nonsense was going on outside, sounded a lit… moretle life threatening, so some girl we knew took a bunch of pills. Next thing we know, her friends went inside to go see if she was okay, and she straight up ate a bitch. By then, the whole gym was freaking out. We all managed to get out of there and run for the hills. It was just me, my friend, and my teacher. After months of surviving out in the wilderness with no cell phone signal, my teacher stepped into an altered bear trap. Some guys came running to help us and had to cut his freaking leg off, that was pretty gruesome. Then my friend got eaten by some people, also gruesome, and the guys took me and my teacher to some motor inn they were hiding out in.
The rest is history.
I guess you just had to have been there, it was pretty funny.
A while ago, I put up a carton of milk and someone at my table tried to grab it, and I was like "I wonder what'll happen if I don't give it to him." And he punched me. From that day on, I never gave him milk again. He was so angry, it was fucking hilarious.
It was summer , the last day of school , Even tough it was summer , it rained like hell ,
I was gonna go back home when i saw this girl i… more knew but never really had a crush on , we talked a little bit , and she was giving me smiles , she was really close to me and really damp , of course it was also very cold ,i i had to put my arm around her shoulders , buti restrained myself from doing it . She was still lookin at me and smiling .When my physic teacher , comes next to me and whisper to my hear "You're gettin it Jimmy , You can do this , you just have to seize it buddy .Take your chance " he then walks away and shout " Seize it !!" while looking at us .I burst in laughing, we walked 5 more minutes and we arrived next to her house . I then gave her a quick kiss on her lips , she then smiled at me .I had it but then I ruined all the moment and asked " Are your parents home ?" .She then got angry and i received the most hurtful slap of m… [view original content]
Must have been when someone got mad about something (I never got what it was about) and drove his hand through a window so he was taken to the nurse leaving a trail of blood. Both the principal and the police came.
The nearest main city is about 100km from me, I live in a town.
Snakes are pretty common outside cities, yes suburbs get them. Remember they are only animals, they roam around and sometimes turn up in places they shouldn't be in.
I live in Australia, but I rarely hear about snakes showing up in suburbs. Is it just so common that it's not noteworthy? Maybe it's just the area I live in that doesn't get snakes that much.
I'm ashamed of myself, it took me until I read bear trap to realize you were referencing TWD.
I got up to "she straight up ate a bitch". My first thought was is that slang?
Only I was not doing that. So she definitely has serious mental problems for making herself needlessly angry over something I wasn't doing. And for wanting to confront and rant in someone's face for no justified or rational reason.
Hence why I said "she thought." Trust me, it's happened to me too. The teacher's just jump to conclusions, it's not that they have mental problems?
But she was something else. Her anger was scary. Like she was seconds away from hitting me.
Oh, you do. That's right, I forgot. But yeah, there's snakes in some suburbs. We used to have them in the backyard of my old house. Freaky shit.
Probably should have included that then. But I doubt she was.
Fuckin' perfect man. HA!
A while ago, I put up a carton of milk and someone at my table tried to grab it, and I was like "I wonder what'll happen if I don't give it to him." And he punched me. From that day on, I never gave him milk again. He was so angry, it was fucking hilarious.
Not related to me, since I was a good little kid, but anyway:
-some guy brought a knife to school
-one dude punched another one and sent him to hospital
-professors walking in on two 12yo kids in the bathroom having sex
-some morons showing their peanuses to an old female professor everyone made fun of, even her colleagues
-two dudes throwing their class table through a window
Yeah I'm staying single
Kids smearing poop on the walls.
Guy from 9th grade getting expelled for selling knifes
Must have been when someone got mad about something (I never got what it was about) and drove his hand through a window so he was taken to the nurse leaving a trail of blood.
Both the principal and the police came.