Do you think Rodrik/Asher will see gared

I really wished that Rodrik or Asher will see gared in s2. I always felt like gared had a brother-like relationship with Rodrik/Asher. What if Talia is going to the north grove. She might know about it as well. I really do think that taila is going to reach the north grove and reunite with gared. Have a great day and let me know what you think


  • Might be cool to see them together again, not both as playable characters because that would be awkward.

  • Due to the choice you have at the end as Gared - Stay to defend the North Grove or head south to Ironrath. The only way I can see this happening is if Asher/Rodrik and co decided to head north of the wall. That way Gared would either encounter them beyond the wall or on the journey south. Although given Asher/Rodrik's injuries I doubt they would want to take a chance beyond the wall.

    While we're on the subject, I've often wished that Gared had been able to interact with all of the Foresters. Or at least have a better idea of what they're relationships had been like other than the fact that Gared was their father's squire and Duncan's nephew. I think they could've easily have done this when Gared was looking at the family portrait.

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