Help me its not working!
Whenever I try launching the game and it would tell me "MincraftStoryMode.exe - Entry Point Not found"
"The procedure entry point ?DeleteVertexShader@USC@YGXAAPAX@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library C;\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\igdumdim32.dll"
Next it popped up:
"Could not initialize Direct3D
Make sure you have a current video drivers and
close any other applications that might be running.
You will need a video card that supports at least pixel shader version 1.2."
Finally it pops up:
"Unfortunately, this error cannot be recovered"
This discussion has been closed.
For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Games Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on what game you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.
If you still need further assistance, you may also try the following:
I'm going to close this discussion and move it to the archived Support Forum section, but you can still receive help from Telltale Staff members by trying any of the options above.