So what happens when you take MI's graphical settings up to 4?

edited December 2009 in Game Support
I'm not sure if this is the right section, so sorry in advance if it isn't.

On default (i.e. the very first time I played TMI) the game starts-off at graphical setting 4. The whole thing lags; even the mouse takes a good few 10 seconds to move from point a to b. What's so interesting is that as soon as I turn the graphics down to 3, it runs very, very smoothly. It's kind of ridiculous. I was wondering what graphical setting #4 activated that would basically choke my PC like that.


  • edited July 2009
    Low powered graphics card?

    I had the graphics all the way up to 9, and the whole game played perfectly, no glitches whatsoever. I have a reasonbly new video card, however.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    3 and below is the "old renderer." It's basically the graphics and lighting system we used on Sam & Max and SBCG4AP. 4 and up is the new renderer, that has a lot of new directx stuff and texture and lighting support and so forth.
  • edited July 2009
    yea its odd tho, ive got an integrated card and i have extreme lag on 1 (no surprise there) despite having 2gb of ram in my computer as well. as soon as my new card comes ill be able to see how much changes compared to the integrated.

    loads of people get lag though just gander around these forums, even people with decent systems. the secret of monkey island must be inside the game, the secret must be that the game is alive!!! it thinks!! ahahhh!!!

  • edited August 2009
    So, don't want to bump an old thread for nothing, but is today's (beautiful, amazing) video a demonstration of the "new renderer"'s lighting technology? I'm just curious, since I want to know what I'd be missing out on if I stay with this crappy little laptop.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2009
    A bit, although that scene looks pretty darn good at any setting. The team has kinda outdone themselves in the lighting department this episode and it should show across all settings.
  • edited August 2009
    Not to mention the writing team.
  • edited August 2009
    Any chance of a full breakdown of what each graphical setting encompasses? I'm running at 9 happily, but it would be nice to know what's lost/gained at various steps for certain.
  • edited August 2009
    I wonder what could have been done with this game with a tesselator. Keep the poly counts low for Wii and low end computers but smooth out the models a bit for those with power to spare.
  • edited August 2009
    1-3 are basic settings with all the jazz turned off... 4-6 are shader V.1 settings... and 7-9 are shader V.2 + full screen antialiasing settings

    I also believe that the higher settings also bring about higher quality mipmap textures, and activates the more advanced lighting components.
  • edited December 2009
    Will wrote: »
    3 and below is the "old renderer." It's basically the graphics and lighting system we used on Sam & Max and SBCG4AP. 4 and up is the new renderer, that has a lot of new directx stuff and texture and lighting support and so forth.
    I also have this problem with all black backgrounds and no lighting, which is discussed at least here.

    The menu shows that the quality is at level 1 (and seems to be unchangeable), and so I imagined that TOMI would work on my computer, because both Sam & Max seasons are running just fine with my integrated graphics controller (Intel 82865G, it's old, I know). I did read somewhere that T&L doesn't work with this old card, so I imagine Sam & Max episodes don't use it. All the DXDIAG graphics tests were alright (except AGP tests, because I don't seem to have any AGP features).

    Should the graphics in TOMI work with the "old renderer", if they work in Sam & Max?

    I tried to search through this forum, but found nothing that would help me out. If I really have to, I'm ready to buy a new (budget level) graphics card, but I'm still hoping to solve this without doing that just yet.
  • edited December 2009
    Juice wrote: »
    I also have this problem with all black backgrounds and no lighting, which is discussed at least here.

    The menu shows that the quality is at level 1 (and seems to be unchangeable), and so I imagined that TOMI would work on my computer, because both Sam & Max seasons are running just fine with my integrated graphics controller (Intel 82865G, it's old, I know). I did read somewhere that T&L doesn't work with this old card, so I imagine Sam & Max episodes don't use it. All the DXDIAG graphics tests were alright (except AGP tests, because I don't seem to have any AGP features).

    Should the graphics in TOMI work with the "old renderer", if they work in Sam & Max?

    I tried to search through this forum, but found nothing that would help me out. If I really have to, I'm ready to buy a new (budget level) graphics card, but I'm still hoping to solve this without doing that just yet.

    In short: no. It appears that in polishing up the engine, they broke compatability with some older cards, perticularly anything pre-Direct X 8.1. It appears they also broke compatability with some early Direct X 8.1 cards as well. Solution: buy a new and cheap graphics card.
  • edited December 2009
    Someone said earlier in this thread that the default quality setting with which the game starts the first time is level 4, but it shows it would be at level 1 and I cannot change the quality. I'm hoping that it's a presentational error and that the fact that I cannot change it is also caused by too high quality setting.

    Would it be possible for me to get my hands on a version of the prefs.prop file where the quality is actually at level one (or two or three)? I'd appreciate it very much. Even if it doesn't work, it would ease my mind a bit.
  • edited December 2009
    Juice wrote: »
    Someone said earlier in this thread that the default quality setting with which the game starts the first time is level 4, but it shows it would be at level 1 and I cannot change the quality. I'm hoping that it's a presentational error and that the fact that I cannot change it is also caused by too high quality setting.

    Would it be possible for me to get my hands on a version of the prefs.prop file where the quality is actually at level one (or two or three)? I'd appreciate it very much. Even if it doesn't work, it would ease my mind a bit.

    The graphics quality actually defualts at the highest setting that your graphics card can handle, not necessarily at 4. If it defualts at 1, then your graphics card probably doesn't support higher graphics modes.
  • edited December 2009
    StonkBad wrote: »
    The graphics quality actually defualts at the highest setting that your graphics card can handle, not necessarily at 4. If it defualts at 1, then your graphics card probably doesn't support higher graphics modes.
    Well, that's reasonable. The highest setting my current card can handle is probably 0, but because there is no such level, it defaults to 1, which is too high. ;)
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