Btw. In episode's 4 ending gabriel the warrior crowned the gang as the new order. Thats my theory on who each one is being assame to the last order.

Jesse - The leader of the gang, the architect, in rumors. He is holding the ultimate commandblock sword/axe/pickaxe/shovel/hoe so he might be the warrior too. He might be soren kinda.
Axel - The mercenary, aka the griefer. bescause of his "fatness" and bescause he dont have any armour then he can get a little damage by TNT and get little knockback. and of course i call him magnus bescause of all what magnus teached axel.
Oliva - The Technican, bescause of all what ellegaard teached oliva she been a very smart in redstone. So she is ellegaard.
Petra - The Warrior, My theory in episode 5 that she should craft a diamond sword. She is gabriel cause she is strict like him and she is "too evil"
Lukas (By Player's Choice) - Kinda like ivor and soren mixed, but i would say him that he would be the enchanter/alchemist bescause he is having tons of smartness on minecraft.


  • edited January 2016
    • Jesse=Soren (Both are leaders)
    • Petra=Gabriel (Both are warriors)
    • Axel=Magnus (Both are TNT users)
    • Olivia=Ellegaard (Both are Redstone users)

    I dunno about Lukas, he is more like Ivor because he didn't seem to join the new Order of the Stone as he wasn't on the stage.

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