Minecraft: The Deep, deep credits.

So, I may be a bit late for this, many of you have probably already seen this, but, I have only recently seen it. I just wanted to show this because I find it very cool the possible meaning behind the credits of Minecraft.

Minecraft Credits theory

I have not played much of the original Minecraft, or even seen the actual credits of it. This Game Theory is, in my opinion, one of the better ones based off of some pretty concrete evidence. I only wanted to spread this video across to the fans of Minecraft on this forum and maybe even you Story Mode people would enjoy it too... (I know I did).

So, I don't know? Tell me what you think of this in the comments?


  • edited January 2016

    The Xbox achievements for Ep 5 are lines from the End poem. That's kinda cool.

  • Oh ,yeah. I knew that from the beginning. I have this on playstation and whenever there is a new Telltale game on playstation, ALL the trophies come with it. So, yeah, I'm luckier?

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    The Xbox achievements for Ep 5 are lines from the End poem. That's kinda cool. (http://www.trueachievements.com/Minecraft-Story-Mode-A-Telltale-Games-Series/dlc/Episode-5)

  • Well quest we should go with spirit sience then...

    the real meaning of video is that you should go outside stop dreaming and live your life what you create on this game is achived in real life but who say that the game isn't real?

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