I tried playing through Season 1 again but my computer keeps on overheating.
I guess that with the wood stove the house gets hotter than it does in the summer. I know that last winter I played on my computer in the kitchen. Well in the summer I started using this wooden table so I can play in the living room. We used 3 fans to keep us cool instead of air conditioning because dad is scared that an air conditioner will start a fire since the wires in our house is so old. In the summer my computer never overheated but this winter with the wood stove going it keeps on over heating. I bought this fan thing and put under it and that helped awhile but its starting to overheat again. I bought a can of that air stuff to spray in it to get all of the dust out of it. Hopefully that helps. If that doesnt help I guess I need to find a way to save all of my pictures and just buy a new computer because this one might be too old. I know that the battery is so messed up that I have to keep it plugged in all of the time because it goes dead in no time.
Mother of Gaia. I didn't think it was possible for this game to cause a computer to over heat. Laptop aye? Assuming. If it was a normal desktop all I could suggest would clean out all the dust that likely has built up inside of it, but I wouldn't know where to start on a laptop never messed with one myself, I mean internal workings.
Yikes, sounds like a technical nightmare.
Hate to suggest it, but it's time for some serious repairs.
If it's a desktop, it's time for an upgrade. If it's overheating to this level, on a game like TWD, it could be a few different things: either the CPU/GPU has a problem, or the motherboard can't keep up with the CPU/GPU anymore, causing a bunch of bottlenecking and other nasty stuff to happen. I had this happen to me recently; my motherboard was screwing up my CPU, causing it to both overheat, and mess with the temperature readings and other inner workings. However, depending on how old your PC is, it's probably time to get completely new parts; CPU, GPU, motherboard, mainly.
If it's a laptop, then it's time for a new one altogether. Unlike a desktop, you don't really have the luxury of replacing whatever it is that isn't working. And again, if TWD is causing it to overheat, then no offense, but it must be an ancient piece of shit.
Had same problem with my laptop. I changed the maximum processing power or something from 100% to 80% and its fine now, never had my laptop ever overheat and switch off since. It doesn't affect game performance either.