No main Assassin's Creed This Year Ubiblog
Ubisoft has finally realised people are getting sick. I've been reading/playing/ watching Assassin's Creed since 2010, I started as a fan in 2010
Even the AC Ubisoft Forum is getting sick of the yearly release stuff
As a long time obsessed fan all I can say is Thank You Ubisoft for coming to your senses! I feel happy for the franchise. Good Luck to the developers, no pressure
I love the lore and more but the last few years AC was shit
Speak for yourself. I don't think they were the best but they weren't terrible...Maybe Unity, but only that one.
Eh syndicate was my fav
Hmm, this just means that there will be two AC games in 2017 to make up for lost time (and $$$) and by 2020, four games a year all released in episodic form.
After all, Ubisoft will always be about the money rather than the quality of their consumer products. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Yves Guillemot's hype song:
Maybe they will make the series great again. First step is to bring back likeable protagonists like Ezio and Altair and then bring back an interesting modern story. I know it probably isn't possible, but bring Desmond back.
Personally you should play as an antagonist. Assassins historically are very very very bad people. It would be like Glorifying a gangster hit man. shrugs Trying to through some form of ethics behind it to make it a good thing is one of the reasons I couldn't stand the franchise. It would be like playing GTA and some how they tried to make you out to be a hero.... wait... they tried that on San Andreas. lol
Assassins sparked WWI. Assassins lead to a war which caused the Hojo Clan in Japan to be wiped from history. An Assassin sparked The Night of Broken Glass in Germany. An Assassin helped spark the Second Sino Japanese War even, which ended up screwing over just about all of Asia. Assassins just.... cause so many problems. lol
I thought Syndicate was really good. Anyway I do agree that they need to step it up. I'm a big AC fan as well.
I still love AC and have loved all the previous instalments. But fucking finally. Take a break guys, rethink your shit...quality over quantity imo, I want to be blown out of the water next AC. I'd love Japan personally, Japan has great history.
I want to actually play the modern story again. And I don't mean that crap they did in Black Flag and Rogue. The way we played Desmond but it doesn't have to be Desmond. I love the modern story and want it to be real again. I want to be a part of it, not just watch it happen.
26 Games in the series made in about nine years.
However only nine of those games are part of a "main series."
To be honest, I have mainly played the main series.
rogue was my favorite
i would like a modern assasins creed or templars side to the story like rogue did
Nah Blag Flag gets boring after attacking a ship for 10 times and combat was sooooooo easy and copy from AC3. The story was boring and bad dialoge, is a filler game AND NOT a Assassin's Creed game.
Rogue is a fanfic
Unity gave me diarrhea and is a filler...
Syndicate was just awfull but better than Unity with the third worst ending in AC series. Original it was playable the ending but time issues so nah.
Than you have the book based on Blag Flag and... Yeah this ruins Blag Flag.
More but yeah... Unity is a shame on the series
Original Syndicate had a playable Modern Day but time issues and whatever. It was a escort mission. If you saw the shitty MD from Syndicate it was the last part of it
The playable person would probably be Galina forgot her second name. Would've maked sense because Ubisoft could just use Evie's attack and animation.
Don't forget the comics!
I made a list what Ubisoft will bring out or has released this year.
1. Assassin's Creed: Assassin's Titan Comics,
Issue 4, release date is 13-01-2016.
2. Assassin's Creed: Assassin's Titan Comics,
issue 5, release date is, 10-02-2016.
3. Assassin's Creed: Assassin's Titan Comics,
Issue 6, release date is 09-03-2016.
4. Assassin's Creed: Assassin's Titan Comics,
Issue 7, release date is 06-04-2016.
5. Assassin's Creed: Assassin's Titan Comics,
Issue 8, release date NOT ANOUCED YET.
6. Assassin's Creed: Assassin's Titan Comics,
Issue 9, Release is Don't know.
7. Assassin's Creed: Assassin's Titan Comics,
Issue 10, Release is Don't know.
8. Assassin's Creed Volume 1: Trial by Fire Is book with the first part of the Titan Comics that I just mentioned (exist out Issue 1 untill 5)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia. Downloadable version, platforms Xbox One, Playstation 4, en PC. Release is Februarie 9.
You got to be kidding me!
theoretical it is possible to let Desmond summon Ezio, Altair and Connor (a version of them)... And than the end happened LOL
The 'Assassins' (capital A) do not encompass all 'assassins'. The guy who 'started' WWI was just an angry kid with a gun really, not an Assassin.
Stopped playing Assassin's Creed after Black Flag, never looked back.
Wow, it's almost like these are your...Opinions! Yeah, they are, so again, speaki for yourself.
No it was a deliberate assassination. They first tried to throw a bomb in the car, but failed, second chance was with guns, also failed the vehicle sped away too fast. It was lucky chance that the Duke's car happened to drive by a random street a few minutes later that one of the attackers was walking down to "get" out of sight after the failed assassination. There were like a dozen people involved. They were all members of a Serbian Nationalist resistance group.
Okay opinion whatever
Except Syndicate
Enemy AI is poor and are acting like dummies
A map full of stupid tasks like: Chests in streets next to poor people. you go inside houses and in front of owner you take money.
For locked chests you needed lock picks in Unity and now you just hold the button so what is the challenge?
Viewpoints are useless no challenge in climbing I remember in Assassins II you had to think how to climb up.
Enemies look are 3 or 4 types wearing different colours.
Climbing is nothing you just hold your R2 and push forward. Not realy complaining but ugh
Now with Graple you dont need even do that just push L1
I dont understand hitting someone with knife is hurting more that shooting them.
NPCs are like ghost you can pass them going through their bodies.
Gang wars are awfull sometimes in middle of fight it skips and says you won.
Play Rogue, then leave. Underrated gem imo. If you liked Black Flag you'll probably like Rogue even more.
Nah mate, I think I'll pass, didn't like Black Flag at all.
Every Assassin's Creed up to #3 was very good, and added to the story. Beyond that, I think they just gave up on a storyline and made separate stories per game. It's like their other games never even happened from 4 and beyond.
Fair enough
and how does poor AI say opinion... The door is right next to you NPC
I was thinking of getting Syndicate, but I'll just buy MKXL for now and wait for the next AC game(?)
So what do you guys think on the upcoming movie?
I recently heard mention of it but don't really know anything about it.
Thanks for more of your opinions? Dude, I couldn't give a shit about your opinions if i tried. I loved Syndicate and the others, it's called opinions.
But I do kinda agree with this what you say, kinda.
But AI nah
Okay whatever I do say they aren't realy facts what I say but the AI. I'm never gonna review Syndicate anyway
Probably a good thing.
You can't milk a dead cow, now can you?
you think I can't review a game?
I don't think you can review a game well, anyone can review a game.
The problem with reviewing is always opinion I always say. It's kinda hard to put more... Fact than opinion in reviewing.
Reviewing is a interesting subject