The forum rules
This is actually a serious post, and not trolling. Does anyone else find it odd that the [Walking Dead] forum rules are very strict when it comes to language, insults, and other adult type conversations when the game the forum is about is filled with incredible violence of people being eaten alive, beat to death, murdered, and tortured?
Mod edit: For context, I moved this thread to General Chat but it was originally in the Walking Dead forums.
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Yes, in the discussion season 1 writers, I mentioned that the rules are so messed up and unfair and I am not alone
In the game, which is complete fantasy, it's acceptable and appropriate. On this site where people want to express their opinions and love for the game, they should not fear insults. I'm sure we can have adult conversations and curse, but people tend to over do it and it causes concern for others trying to act civil. So no, i don't think it's odd we have rules.
As DoubleJump alluded to, there's a different context between discussing something on a message board with real people and watching fictional characters act out a situation in a game.
Yeah but aren't we supposed to all be adults here anyways? (The game isn't for young people) Shouldn't we have the freedom to talk like real adults?
We actually don't have rules against strong language, as long as that language isn't targeted towards anyone. But, we definitely don't allow insults. As was said before, unlike the games, this isn't fantasy, it's reality. We can't allow people to insult other people, it just doesn't make a friendly environment and we don't want anyone to feel like they are unwelcome here.
For the record, while it's completely permissable in Telltale's M-rated games, on the forum we also don't allow people to be eaten alive, beat to death, murdered, or tortured either. :P
I was also talking about political correctness. I could say something not directed in anyone in particular, but get banned for it, or have my comment removed. I mean go back and watch how brutal it was when Lee cut off his own arm. I just think that a game with this mature of content could also have forums that allow the same kind of brutal free speech. I know this will not change anything, just something I find odd.
Well, the age to join the forums is 13 due to COPPA laws. The game might not be for 'young' people, but that doesn't stop them from playing it, much akin to other M-ratites games.
Not everyone has the freedom of speech in world, and if complete freedom of speech existed, many things could be posted here that be downright horrible.
Adults being adults does not mean they won't do immature and bad things, in the same reason kids being kids does not mean they will act immature.
It just boils down to Telltale not wanting that kind of discussion on the forums. Like, when you go to see a movie at a theater, that doesn't permit you to do things from said movie in the middle of the theater just because the theater is showing a (usually fictional) movie about something. Just because a movie theater shows a movie for entertainment purposes, it doesn't mean they endorse every single thing that the movie shows. Likewise, this forum is a venue to discuss Telltale's games with other people - it doesn't mean that Telltale endorses people having "brutal free speech" here just because they made a game where characters have "brutal free speech."
If that was the case, we would have to create individual forum guidelines for different games, and that would just make things pointlessly confusing. Most of Telltale's modern games are M-rated, but not for the same reasons. Tales from the Borderlands is massively different from Game of Thrones, but by that logic, we would have to accommodate each game's individual story lines in making a particular set of rules.
Unless they censor you from posting in-game quotes with swearing or other potentially offensive things said by the characters themselves, then I doubt there is a problem.
I swear on these forums and have never been banned or even warned. Must be fucking lucky
Never actually thought of it till now. I never insult though...
As long as it isn't excessive or directed towards others, it's generally alright for the most part.
The Walking Dead is an M rated game.
So it would make sense that the majority of people posting in the Walking Dead subforum are 17+, but the constant slander, insults, and obnoxious gif posting says otherwise.
Not to mention the way a vocal minority of the people who pride themselves of being fans of mature games act immature towards Minecraft: Story Mode fans.
Well said.
I would really like to know the reasons behind one of my posts being removed for trolling. I only said that the Jane ending is canon which, in my opinion, it is. There are several indications BY TELLTALE that it is canon so I don't know what's the problem here. I understand that Jane is a complex character that tends to rile some people up but that's no reason to remove my opinion on the ending.
It wouldn't be the first time for a video game company to choose one ending between the two as the canon one and completely ignore the other.
There was an interview with Job Stauffer where he straight up said the "canon" ending was whichever ending players got first and that there was otherwise no official ending.
The argument about "canon" endings is a bit pointless, and only serves to stir up drama whenever you push your opinions as facts. Saying you personally think something is the case is fine, but you aren't exactly doing that.
Neither is the user who said that Jane died in the finale. Whatever, I guess I can add that to the lengthy list of things I am not allowed to discuss here.
How do people not comprehend this? lmao
God bless you Blind.
Me neither. I've been here for almost two years and have a potty mouth to boot.