TWAU Choices

In the Walking Dead, a lot of the choices were between moral or practical. Such as Larry when he had his heart attack, taking the supplies from the car, or abandoning Lily.

In Game of Thrones, a lot of them were between pride or cleverness. Such as standing up to Gryff, kissing Ludd's ring, or choosing to break Tazal's neck or knee.

However the Wolf Among Us has quite a few choices where one choice is just being excessively cruel. Ripping Grendel's arm off, torturing Woody/Dee, or burning down Aunty Greenleaf's tree.

Did anyone else feel that the choices were very black and white and quite unlike some of the other Telltale Games?


  • I do understand what you mean, but I feel there's an explanation for it.
    Well with the Forresters and Lee/Clementine, you create the characters. Bigby was already an established character, so his choices may be different. As a wolf in human form and a reforming bad guy, it would make sense that he could end up going for one extreme or the other. He could go back to his 'old ways' or 'try to be better'. The Wolf Among us isn't survival, therefore he doesn't have the dilemma of 'moral over practical.' Unless you count the interrogation. It isn't about pride or keeping your House alive, either - again, survival. In TWAU the story's about solving a mystery, and the way you do it. You can be good or bad or in between.
    Bigby WAS excessively cruel once. He isn't a 'plain slate' character. He's a reforming person who you can help make better, or help make worse.

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