So, when do Wii get Season 2?

edited August 2009 in Sam & Max
Sorry for the insanely bad pun, but when will Wii players get season 2? Also, will it use the Wiiware Strong Bad engine? That seemed to work a bit better than Sam and Max Season 1 for wii.


  • edited July 2009
    I like what you did there.

    To be honest I hate the wii in general. I feel as though it is vastly inferior to most other gaming mediums. However I bit the bullet & bought Season 1 for it because it was on sell for $10. I hated it.... not the game itself, but the fact that it was bug ridden as all hell & it seemed as though the wii couldn't process the game to its true abilities (ex. Sentences getting cut off before they are through & bad textures *Sybil's relax sign & the Roadkill calendar come to mind*). Not to mention that it is almost impossible to control the game using the wiimote.

    My suggestion to you would be to just eliminate the wait & save yourself some pain by just going ahead & buying the it for your PC. Sure you will potentially pay more, but at least you know it will be top quality.
  • edited July 2009
    I agree, I have both a Wii and Xbox 360, I have got Sam & Max 1 on Xbox and wouldn't want it on Wii, connecting it to a HDTV gives really poor graphics and I love seeing all the insane pixels of Max is absolute clarity.

    The question should be, now that I've finished S&M1 on Xbox, when will Season 2 be available for that?
  • edited July 2009
    True, Season 1 maybe ended up being a bit laggy and low-textured, but I don't think it's entirely Wii's fault. Just look at some games that have been made for it.
    You just need to know how to make them. I'm guessing that since Telltale is new with porting games for Wii, they don't know how to use Wii's hardware in its full potential. (sorry, no offense. :) )

    So please, stop looking the Wii from such a bad angle. I love mine, and have no regrets for spending all of my summer job money just to get one. Just because it cannot have as uber-sharp graphics as xbox or ps3 does NOT mean that it's rubbish. D:

    ..though I'm prolly going to get the PC version of S2, anyway. (which hopefully comes around the same time as the Wii one? )
  • edited July 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    True, Season 1 maybe ended up being a bit laggy and low-textured, but I don't think it's entirely Wii's fault. Just look at some games that have been made for it.
    You just need to know how to make them. I'm guessing that since Telltale is new with porting games for Wii, they don't know how to use Wii's hardware in its full potential. (sorry, no offense. :) )

    So please, stop looking the Wii from such a bad angle. I love mine, and have no regrets for spending all of my summer job money just to get one. Just because it cannot have as uber-sharp graphics as xbox or ps3 does NOT mean that it's rubbish. D:

    ..though I'm prolly going to get the PC version of S2, anyway. (which hopefully comes around the same time as the Wii one? )

    I'm not judging the system by its graphics (hell, I still have my SNES, N64 & Dreamcast hooked up... so believe me.... thats not my complaint), I'm judging it by its games. The wii is quite obviously marketed towards the casual gamer which leads to piles of crappy gimmick games & nothing for a hardcore gamer to sink there teeth into (minus Zelda & possibly Resident Evil 4). The system's status as being a casual gamer's gaming machine even resulted in Namco dumbing down an entry of what I consider my all time favorite game series. The series in question... The Tales Series. The game... Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Which is actually the sequel to my favorite game in the series... & might I add that it doesn't live up to the originals name). I am all about gameplay & I just don't see the wii as my type of console. If you like it... I am happy for you & everybody is entitled to there opinion... this is mine, so please respect it just as I have yours.

    (BTW.... Telltale is not new to porting to the wii. Strongbad has been going strong for a while now)
  • edited July 2009
    I'm not judging the system by its graphics (hell, I still have my SNES, N64 & Dreamcast hooked up... so believe me.... thats not my complaint), I'm judging it by its games. The wii is quite obviously marketed towards the casual gamer which leads to piles of crappy gimmick games & nothing for a hardcore gamer to sink there teeth into (minus Zelda & possibly Resident Evil 4). The system's status as being a casual gamer's gaming machine even resulted in Namco dumbing down an entry of what I consider my all time favorite game series. The series in question... The Tales Series. The game... Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Which is actually the sequel to my favorite game in the series... & might I add that it doesn't live up to the originals name). I am all about gameplay & I just don't see the wii as my type of console. If you like it... I am happy for you & everybody is entitled to there opinion... this is mine, so please respect it just as I have yours.

    (BTW.... Telltale is not new to porting to the wii. Strongbad has been going strong for a while now)

    Ah, my bad then. I just got an impression you were talking about Wii's performance abilities when you talked about S&M being buggy and all. :)
    I do respect your opinion, if the Wii isn't your type of console, it's totally fine for me. It was just the graphic issue that got me worked up, that's all. So many people have complained about games looking ugly just because of the Wii, and it annoys the hell out of me. Sorry for misunderstanding.

    I agree, it's a sad thing that so many people think the Wii is mainly for casual gamers.. Videogaming has been a hobby of mine for years, and it sucks for me to see all the good titles coming for ps3 and xbox only. (which I simply can't afford to buy at the moment.)
    I personally like the Wiimote. Zack & Wiki was real genius with this, so was Metroid Prime: Corruption. I find it a new, interesting way to play your games from the general button-smashing that other consoles still have. But that's just me and my opinion. :)

    (really? I thought they just recently released them on Wiiware. But still, even Strongbad ran pretty nicely on the Wii, so I really can't believe that S&M was buggy and had bad textures simply just because the Wii didn't have the power to process it.. so it might still have been a flaw in the porting process. )
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    Despite when they were actually released, S&M Season 1 Wii was made before SBCG4AP.

    As for the wii itself, yeah there can be some pretty serious technical limitations. A lot of it really depends on the design of the game to work around them. You aren't going to be able to make Gears of War for the wii. As for something like Sam & Max season 1 even (which isn't all that technically demanding of a game), it can still be hard to make it *look* good because the game wasn't designed for the wii.

    First and foremost, the wii only outputs at 640x480 (or the widescreen equivalent) and no texture can be larger that 512x512, meaning that if you have a bunch of high detail textures a lot of that detail will be lost. Most of the best looking wii games were designed specifically for it. Mario Galaxy for example has tons of bright crisp colors, simple textures and shapes, and it looks beautiful! And it doesn't feel like it's been dumbed down or reduced because that's the style of the game. So yeah, it is hard to make a good looking port of a game that wasn't originally designed for the wii. For the Ghostbusters game, they didn't even try. The wii version of the game is completely different stylistically from the PS3 and 360 versions. Unfortunately we don't have those resources, but you get the idea.

    If you look at SBCG4AP and MI, they were both designed with those limitations in mind. And they really do look great. I know you guys haven't seen Monkey on the wii yet, but it's easily our best looking Wii game, even if the 40mb wiiware limit is *really tiny.*

    And since none of that actually answered the original post, the short answer is that we are working on it! All of our wii engine code is more or less the same, so it will include all of the changes we made for HSR. But like I said earlier, HSR was designed for the wii whereas Season 2 is a port. So it is taking quite a bit more work to get it up and running and (not gonna lie) it simply won't run as smoothly. I think you will see definite improvements over Season 1 however.

    Edit: This is not to say that all problems with the Wii port are because of the Wii itself! Just thought you all would be interested to know some of the details behind the systems and how things get ported.
  • edited July 2009
    Thanks for the update, Will. I was beginning to wonder if Season 2 was ever going to come out for Wii, and if it had to do with problems at Atari, or something like that.
  • edited July 2009
    Thanks for the update! I'm glad that the Strongbad engine is being used. I have a suggestion though...dont' lower ALL the textures. Some have jokes on them!
  • edited July 2009
    I heard Atari will be presenting season 2 on wii this fall, so i hope my ears aren't decived.
    (Was that spelled right?)
  • edited July 2009
    According to (not overly trustworthy, but hey!) it will be released on the 7th August. I only just bought Season 1 (15 minutes ago at time of posting)!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    I wouldn't really trust Amazon on this sort of thing. As soon as a release date exists, it will be plastered all over our blog.
  • edited July 2009
    I never usually do. I just hadn't been following the game, so had no idea if it was true or not.
  • edited August 2009
    No statements from telltale about a Wii port?
  • edited August 2009
    lederjacke wrote: »
    No statements from telltale about a Wii port?

    They are working on it, but they have no estimates of when it will be available.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2009
    Pretty much, as soon as we know when a game will be released, we will tell you all about it.
  • edited August 2009
    Can't you just tell us NOW? We won't tell nobody......
  • edited August 2009
    "Hey guys we think think the release date will be in October."

    "Huzzah yay!!"

    *October passes*


    "There was a bug in the - "

  • edited August 2009
    PariahKing wrote: »
    "hey guys we think think the release date will be in october."

    "huzzah yay!!"

    *october passes*

    "hey the game didn't release!!"

    "there was a bug in the - "

    "burn down telltale hq! Sacrifice their women and dave grossman!"

    noooo... Not dave :(
  • edited August 2009
    PariahKing wrote: »
    "Hey guys we think think the release date will be in October."

    "Huzzah yay!!"

    *October passes*


    "There was a bug in the - "


    You have made 856 posts since Jun 2009... Damn!!! Don't you ever get out :eek:
  • edited August 2009
    The closest we'll probably get right now to a release date is "Fall".
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