What is most important in a person?
Thought this would make for an interesting question
So what one specific thing do you think is most important, or you just like most, in a person. It can be intelligence, bravery, kindness, whatever. But just one thing and why.
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Honesty is the most important thing in the world.
Without honesty, there is NO basis for a relationship of any kind, whether it be a friendship, or something more.
Intelligence. I find it hard to talk to people if they aren't very smart.
Loyalty and trust.
enter link description here
Also grateful. and smart.
Someone who is just
Without integrity we are nothing.
I think the issue is fact is difficult to find and often define. It can often be very different based on the source material you're looking up. In turn this often forces a person to look at multiple sources under different parties involved and come up with a logical conclusion based on those sources, because likely hood being none of them are 100% accurate.
Great example, would you believe a self proclaimed victim's testimony or the person they're accusing? Both could be lying or one of them can be lying, and if you have nothing else to go by the concept of what can be "Fact" is blurred.
Thats usually quite rare tho
edit: what I mean is, in most major topics, there is always going to be plenty of legitimate evidence in which you can educate yourself properly in.
Well, in some cases, absolutely there is no definitive evidence and answers to what is right, and what is wrong. However, provided you look hard enough, in nearly every case I think it's pretty easy to absorb enough information to the extent you can formulate your opinion. Which was my ultimate point--too many people accept whatever they're told and take things at face-value, without ever delving deeper.
There's always going to be something to go on, however small. But ultimately, if you don't have enough evidence, then you must therefore acknowledge that and factor that into your own decision-making. Employing a bit of intuition, or analysis. Not pretending you have more information--and a better understanding--than you actually do, is also pretty crucial in such a circumstance.
Kindness. There's many other qualities, but I rarely meet people who aren't rude.
Oh, shut the hell up.
Jk kindness is actually my pick as well.
Haha cool.
Like trying to find information on the Gestapo and SS actually arresting Concentration camp guards during the War. Information on it is so bleeding hard to find. I was surprised by it when I came across Karl and Ilse Koch when doing some out of board'em reading. I was surprised that the SS actually charged them with murder, I mean camp personnel, , people always make it sound like they earned medals for that.
Intelligence. You can be a deplorable person, but so long as you're smart and willing to apply your intelligence then I likely won't have any problems with you (within bounds, obviously).
Sense of humour and personality