Do I have to buy TWD twice?
I completed TWD Season 1 and 2 on the 360 and have now upgraded to next gen. I have Season 1 on my Xbox One because it was Free With Gold a while ago, but still, why do i have to pay for Season 2 again? I would like to replay the games before I play Micchone and Season 3, but thought because I bought them on Xbox it would apply to both, it's not like the next gen version is an 'upgrade' or 'remaster', just the better platform. Is something wrong or is this normal? I also noticed save files don't transfer across even when uploaded to the Xbox cloud, a bit disappointing you need to pay again for basically the same game, and years in, the lack of a cloud feature for saves (in a story based game) is pretty poor imo.
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You need to pay again because it's expensive for Telltale to develop on a different console, even though the Xbox One and 360 are both made by Microsoft they will have a different infrastructure so would require a slightly different development process or coding to work on the newer console.
The older save files will also be incompatible with the newer consoles as they will use a different version of the game so they won't work, the newer games do have cloud saving but it's unlikely that the older games will be updates with this feature.
Thanks for the reply. Happy to put my money in for good content, just didn't understand why. Cheers.
That seems a little shady making your fan base have to purchase the same game twice. I don't see why TellTale / Microsoft couldn't make the Xbox One version free for those that already own the 360 version. At the very least a discount would be nice.
Can they do backwards compatibility like they did with other games?
I thought that would be the case, guess not. Backwards compatibility would transfer saves also via the Xbox cloud/Onedrive thingo, like all the other backwards compatible games.
That, my friend is why episodic gaming does not work. Walking dead season 1 started during the PS3 cycle. I dear say the time will come when they stop supporting last gen so if you have season 1-3 on PS3, by the time season 4 comes around, if there is one, you won't be able to play it and will have to buy seasons 1-3 again before you can play season 4. OK there might not be a season 4 but I use that example as TWD is the older of the telltale franchises but if you consider the newer ones like TWA or GOT, will they really support older systems like PS3 by the time they reach season 3? I doubt it very much.
It was a good idea in principle but wasn't really practical because telltale take too long to make their games. If TWD season 3 is available on the PS3 it probably won't run very well. GOT was unplayable for many people in some sections of the game and TWD season 3 won't be any easier on last gens hardware.
I really enjoyed TWD season 1 and TWA but the above is the reasons I didn't continue with the series by buying the Michonne mini series and won't be buying season 3. I'm not willing to pay for season 1 and 2 again for the PS4.
For years gamers have bashed the likes of ubisoft and other companies that wallet rape with DLC that should and could have been in the main story, I fail to see how this is any better. Paying twice for the same game seems pretty foolish if you ask me. I'll put that up there with the Emperor's logic in the Emporer's new clothes story.
The joke is Telltale don't even have to charge people again for the same game on the next gen. All they have to do is make your choices relevant from one platforms series of games to the next. And anyone who says this can't be done or is too expensive and time consuming are apologists blinded by their fandom and naive AF!
I only have a ps3 and have no intentions of buying a ps4 since I can easily go six months without turning the system on these days. If they ever stop making the games for ps3 I will simply just watch a playthrough on youtube.
I just started playing the Walking Dead after getting it for free through Xbox Live. I downloaded it for both the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One but the former is in the living room while the latter is in the bedroom. Should I play the Xbox One Version of the game rather than the 360? Is it better on the new console? I was hoping I could switch between both versions using a universal save file. From reading this thread I now understand that that is not an Option since they are "different" games?
Play the Xbox One version, there is no universal save file for The Walking Dead and if subsequent seasons are cancelled on the 360 you'll have to play through it all again and miss the original 'unbiased' choices you made.
Wait didn't telltale confirm they found a way to import saves across consoles? Or did they cancel it?
This is nothing unique to Telltale and/or Xbox. You more often than not have to repurchase games across different platforms.
Telltale have hinted that they have a cross-platform save system in the works for Season 3.
I see. Thanks, Chilled.
So the safest bet would be to go with the Xbox One version. How is it other than that though? Any graphical or loading advantages for playing it on the next generation console like how it is with Life is Strange?
I couldn't see any noticeable differences in Season 1 and 2 but I assume there will be with Season 3, it looks a lot more graphically demanding.
I can't really say though, sorry mate.
Thanks man. How about achievements? Do I constantly need to investigate every corner in the game or can I sit back and relax, picking up most of them during a regular run? I have a habit of grinding too much for achievements, which sometimes ruins a more "Chilled" experience![:) :)](
Nope...sit back and relax. You get all of them just by playing each episode.
From my knowledge 'The Wolf Among Us' is the only Telltale game where you have to hunt for certain achievements, but even then, they are very easy...simply a matter of making a certain dialogue choice (which you can return to with the rewind feature once you finish the game). In saying that, if you're new, The Wolf Among Us is also a great game you should try out if you like the TellTale 'formula'.
In terms of story, I personally don't want to say, you will get the most out of it in a blind play through working it out for yourself, trust me.
That would be great, but I don't think they would go back and implement it into Season 1, we can only hope.
I am kicking myself in the head from not downloading "The Wolf Among Us" when it was free on Xbox Live Gold. That's how I got The Walking Dead, so I guess getting one game for free should be enough. Telltale probably deserve my money![:) :)](
Anyhow, good to hear I can just sit back and relax. No need to stress like I mostly do with the majority of games, haha.