How did you deliver justice?

So how did you all punish the Crooked Man? I chose to tear his head off. For some reason I decided to do that. xD I didn't want to imprison him, he could escape. He had to die. ;/

SO tell me what you guys did :3


  • My Bigby has his beastly rage under control by Episode 5, so he had Greenleaf transform the guy into a bird. :)

  • I'm not a big fan of murder so I imprisoned him. It was a pretty easy choice for me.

  • I think I did the bird thing too. I strived to keep my Bigby from just murdering people when he didnt have to.

  • Threw him in the well.

  • Murdered him in warehouse

  • I spared him...sent him to the farm.

  • Threw him down the well, but didn't rip his head off.

  • Threw him down the well and said byebye

  • Since this is about justice, did you kill or spare Tweedle Dum? I killed him because he and his stupid brother are so annoying and had to show Dee that he shouldn't have messed with Big Bad Wolf. What's the point sparing Dum anyway? Despite being so nice, they're still trying kill you.

  • Bigby's a sheriff and I wanted to act right so I tried to spare as many lives as possible but I think that Crooked Man deserved to be thrown down the witching well for what he did. That's really the only murder I have commited willingly, other than that I would like to rip Crane's head off but sadly didn't had a chance...

  • edited March 2016

    I thought you said "How do you deliver pizza?"

  • I had him turned into a voiceless crow and sent to the farm.

  • fucking hell

    I thought you said "How do you deliver pizza?"

  • You know Aron, I actually ended up sparing him just like I did with Grendel at the bar. I think subconsciously, I bought into the whole 'lets change Bigby's image spiel'. I noticed that I have a pattern of playing like that with telltale games. lol

    AronDracula posted: »

    Since this is about justice, did you kill or spare Tweedle Dum? I killed him because he and his stupid brother are so annoying and had to sh

  • Well,I regretted chopping Gren's arm off but I had no regrets killing Dum, he deserved it.

    Albrin1914 posted: »

    You know Aron, I actually ended up sparing him just like I did with Grendel at the bar. I think subconsciously, I bought into the whole 'le

  • At first, I was just going to throw him down the well. Then he attacked, so I ripped his head off. Whoops.

  • Before he choked me, I was going to lock him up. I didn't want any bloodshed as enough had spilled.

    After he choked me, I threw him down the well. I wanted revenge but I didn't want to make Bigby a monster so the Well was firm and fair, but not too lenient or vengeful.

  • I got more pissed with every word The Crooked Man said, so it was easy for me to throw him down in the Well.
    And Dum survived. I felt (strangely) friendly for the Tweedles, maybe just because they had Shotguns.

  • edited March 2016

    Threw him down the well. I wanted my revenge, but at the same time didn't wanna look like a monster (as I already killed Tweedle Dum and Georgie). And besides, he'll be suffering down there for all eternity as a soul without living any peace, so I think this is the right choice, because I fulfilled BOTH of my promises AND didn't look like a monster! Win-win!

  • I killed Dum. I was getting annoyed at the two constantly interfering with my investigation. So when the opportunity came to take one out, I took it. That and to show that I was not one to trifle with, to attempt to scare Dee into leaving me alone. I don't regret it at all.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Since this is about justice, did you kill or spare Tweedle Dum? I killed him because he and his stupid brother are so annoying and had to sh

  • Threw him down the Witching Well

  • I spared everybody I could, including CM. A prick among pricks he was, but he was also the dose of reality the Fabletown gubbermint needed to get their collective heads out their asses.

  • I simply activated Bigby's alluring dance moves. Tis the ultimate form of justice.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Seriously though, I imprisoned him. The old crow will be locked up for eternity. In my playthrough, all of the "good guy" choices aligned with my beliefs, and this final act of restraint proved to Fabletown that Bigby truly had redeemed himself. I'll admit though, after he attempted to throw Bigby down the well, I was seconds away from doing the same to him myself. I managed to hold out though, and showed that I was no longer the Big Bad Wolf. Well, judging from those moves, I'd say Bigby is still a little bit bad.

  • I threw him down the witching well. Fucker deserved it. He set almost everything up.

  • I did almost everything or everything. But most of the times I threw him down the well saying that I originally wanted to spare him.

  • Interesting, I imprisoned him too, but now that I'm thinking about it...
    Who says we can actually trust Greenleaf... I mean, especially when you let Snow burn the tree or if you weren't nice to her.
    Maybe the Crooked Man isn't that locked up...

  • I made him a bird.

  • Ripped his head off. I wasn't disappointed.

  • I was gonna imprison him but as soon as he grabbed me and held me hostage I threw him down the witching well. I would've ripped his head off but I didn't want Bigby to become the Big Bad Wolf everyone thinks he is. I spent the entire game trying to prove to people I wasn't. I wasn't gonna throw all the work away on him.

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