TWD Michone mouse issuse
Not very far into the game, and I'm having an issue with mouse movements. I'm on a Macbook Pro, using the touch pad to control.
The scene where Michone is supposed to sharpen her sword, you're supposed to move the mouse left to right. I've tried pretty much everything I could to make this movement on my track pad and I've had no luck. No swiping movements seem to work.
Any ideas? Totally frustrated and just want to continue to play.
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Because you're also supposed to hold the left mouse button, I don't know if that's possible in your state but letting you know.
Anyone else with this issue? Or advice? Bummed out...
Wright Micah Build 20 final R.T.M
Question have you enabled right and left clack or other Trackpad movements in settings or system progressives.
If had what I did I pressed the Trackpad and moved left and right fast at the same time on the walking dead machining game. Done this on Mac book pro mid 2012. But this only works if enable it in Trackpad settings.
For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Games Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on what game you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.
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