Answer the question above you



  • Это все заговор Путина!!

  • enter image description here

    Is a healthy dose of narcissism bad? Self love is important.

  • No, not necessarily. Like you said, self love is important!

    Showers or baths?

  • Showers.

    Are you excited for Outlast 2?

  • edited May 2016


    Fave Star Wars character?

    Edit: I accidentally answered a question on page 100

  • Mara Jade, if she counts,

    A game your looking forward to?

  • Outlast 2

    Team Rhysha or Team Rhyiona?

  • edited May 2016

    Neither. And proud of it. ;)

    Team Trump or Team Clinton!?

    Edit: oops, I made this a reply, I feel so worthless all of a sudden.

    Outlast 2 Team Rhysha or Team Rhyiona?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    TeamTrump I love his hair.

    Coffee or nah?

  • Nah-uh.

    Skybound Rick Grimes or AMC Rick Grimes?

  • Lee Everett.

    Will Eryka stop asking cringy questions?

  • I wish I had known much about Comic Rick. I heard he is a lot better than TV Rick. For Comic readers it's Comic Rick. Duh :P

    What game remastered for Next-Gen Consoles do you think was disappointing?

  • edited May 2016

    I don't "next-gen", i'm a pc player. Check your privilege!

    Worst question asked by anyone here?

  • edited May 2016

    Yes. Every single one of my questions.

    What do you like to do in your free time besides gaming?

  • Your mum.

    Rainbows. Yay or nay?

  • you are the true forum savage!

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Your mum. Rainbows. Yay or nay?

  • Ahh thank you @Papai46

    You're not too bad yourself. ;)

    papai46 posted: »

    you are the true forum savage!

  • Yay to rainbows.

    Would you be interested in a Telltale Danganronpa game?

  • IDK what that is, but I'd probably buy it.

    What would you do if Purge Night became a real-life holiday?

  • Go to the middle of the forest in the middle of nowhere and camouflage myself.


  • RED
    what did i just do?

  • Danganronpa is a animestyle game,there is also an animation.I like to think about it as big brother but with murder.

    IDK what that is, but I'd probably buy it. What would you do if Purge Night became a real-life holiday?

  • Would you rather have Freddy Krueger nightmares or Alien (Xenomorph) nightmares?

  • Alien nightmares because he wouldn't be able kill me in real life.

    If you could have sex with anyone, who would it be with?

  • Daenerys. She can ride my dragon anytime

    What's the worst thing you've ever done?

  • My grandmother made me a birthday cake, I accidentally destroyed it, and then lied and said I liked it to her face ;_;

    Team Rhysha or Team Rhyiona?

  • Team Rhysha

    Which game do you think ALL the characters it has, are amazing?

  • Witcher 3

    Which video game character would you want to hang out with in real life?

  • Either Asgore or Wreck-It Ralph.

    Why is a raven like a writing desk?

    Witcher 3 Which video game character would you want to hang out with in real life?

  • It isn't. That's the point of the riddle.

    Would you rather live in a high-tech facility on the moon, or at the bottom of the sea?

  • I love Dead Space slightly more than BioShock, so space.

    TWAU or TFTBL?

  • Neither.

    Do you stand in the shower for a long time and think about life?

  • edited May 2016

    I have way too much work to do in there but I think about life a lot when I'm about to go to sleep ^-^

    If you could rename the earth what would you call it?

  • Yolo. Or Luna.

    When was the last time you cried and why?

  • I cried on Tuesday. Cause exams. And also because I don't do well with history.

    Your favorite character in any Telltale game? (Excluding playable characters)

  • Max from Sam & Max, gotta love that little guy.

    What's your favorite game of all time?

  • I feel that question will always have two answers no matter what. Now and then. For nostalgia, I would be hard pressed not to say either Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Metroid. Right now, I would say Dragon Age: Origins. Each era had it's own sets of masterpieces so it's hard to say. I'm just glad that I've been lucky enough to have been around for most of it.

    If given the choice, which word would you remove from the English language? I mean completely wipe from existence.

  • edited May 2016

    Hella... Fuck that word, even ironically. God Chloe, you hella bitch.

    enter image description here

    Why is the Nacho Cheese Dorito the best one?

  • Because Nachooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

    Favourite current tv show?

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