Answer the question above you



  • Seth Rollins :)

    Favorite android game?

  • edited November 2016

    Does the Walking Dead count?

    Favorite non-Telltale, current-gen console game?

  • the witcher 3

    what romance option did you choose in the witcher 3

  • It sure does ;)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Does the Walking Dead count? Favorite non-Telltale, current-gen console game?

  • Because otherwise you will displease and bother people accompanying you.

    What is the most cringe-worthy thing that you witnessed yesterday?

  • Passing by the street with kids going "dat boi" and "get rekt" and "im dank." It's not funny. Just annoying.

    Are you one for hot weather or cold weather?

  • I like both. But I guess I like cold weather better, because I usually get really hot anyway.

    Favorite animated movie?

  • edited November 2016

    the Fox and the Hound love that movie!

    Ever been to China?

  • Nope.

    Favorite hero-turned-villain?

  • Definitely Magneto as best hero turned villain.

    Most hated emoji would be the bathroom emoji. I really hate childish themes of humor.

    What is your name and address ? Lol

  • not gonna answer that because im gonna get banned if i do

    which telltale game is the most underrated in your opinion?

  • Game of Thrones

    Aliens or zombies?

  • Zombies cause Walking Dead, Left 4 Dead and Dead Rising.

    When did you join this website and why ?

    Game of Thrones Aliens or zombies?

  • February 7th of this year. I just like talking to people online, and I'm socially awkward.

    Would you rather have cancer or the flu?

  • The flu. Obviously. That question was cancer.

    Would you rather be able to draw realistic portraits or be able to sing very well? You can only have one.

  • Sing very well because artists usually are only recognized after death.

    No question.

  • Give this man a medal.

    papai46 posted: »

    Sing very well because artists usually are only recognized after death. No question.

  • Or a gold cup.

    Give this man a medal.

  • Would you rather burn to death or freeze to death?

  • edited November 2016

    Despite such options being so pleasant, I'd have to go with burning to death. It seems like it would be exponentially more painful than freezing, although freezing to death would feel perpetual. The burn of stinging cold isn't exactly a walk in the park though, either. In intense heat, would my nerves cease to feel after a few agonizing minutes? I suppose that would be preferable to the long process of developing hypothermia, and experiencing the stinging burn of the cold, impaired mental functions, blackening and loss of extremeties, and eventually death. I guess? We need a scientist to answer this question!

    What is your favorite area of research? Are you passionate about researching cinematography, history, philosophy, ect.? Why?

  • I've been trying to expand my area of expertise on cinematography since I originally never put that much thought into it when I first started taking film. I used to think as long as a film has a good story, then it's golden. And while I still think there's SOME truth to that, a film with a good story can still be bogged down by shitty production quality. So I've been paying more attention on how to place my shots and how it compliments the tone and the mood of the film as well as how to color correct my footage in a way that's visually appealing and not bland or a goddamn eyesore.

    What's a movie that you know is total fucking garbage, but yet, you still enjoy regardless?

  • Alice in Wonderland (2010)

    I was a bit disappointed when the whole movie was just gonna be about mad hatter. I know it had a a lot of stupid random scenes (like seriously who would name a dance fatterwaggen?!)
    Though every time I watch it I still smile, laugh and cry (because Alan Rickman R.I.P)

    If you could nominate any fictional character for president who would it be and why?
    I went around my whole school and asked all of the teachers this question, a lot of them said Lisa Simpson :)

  • Gortys. Instant world peace.

    How many seasons of The Simpsons should I watch?

  • 3

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Gortys. Instant world peace. How many seasons of The Simpsons should I watch?

  • I'd say watch up to Season 10.

    What's your favorite superhero?

  • It's a tie between Spider-Man, Batman and Superman. If I had to choose one though, I think I'd say Spidey.

    Favorite supervillain?

  • If I had to choose one though, I think I'd say Spidey.

    Ayy, my man!

    enter image description here

    Spidey is definitely my favorite too tbh.

    It's a tie between Spider-Man, Batman and Superman. If I had to choose one though, I think I'd say Spidey. Favorite supervillain?

  • enter image description here

    If I had to choose one though, I think I'd say Spidey. Ayy, my man! Spidey is definitely my favorite too tbh.

  • My favorite superhero is Punisher. I like his origins as a Army Ranger leader (A Ranger is the Army equivalent to a Navy Seal). I like how he did Green Beret tactics in Vietnam. I like how he has nothing to lose and delivers justice in his unique way. I like how he has no powers and he is very intelligent, stalking his targets. I love how he uses his military intelligence to anger mob bosses. His inner dialogue is great and amazing.

    What's your favorite hobby ?

  • Hmm, probably either writing (stories) or playing videogames. I haven't been writing much music lately.

    Do you like AJ?

  • edited November 2016

    From TWD? Yeah, I guess.

    Apples or pears?

  • Apples.

    DonkeyKong or DiddyKong?

  • Not played the game

    Have you had an emotional feeling in any videogame you have ever played, Yes, no, and how do you perceive it?

  • The first eleven.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Gortys. Instant world peace. How many seasons of The Simpsons should I watch?

  • There has been plenty.

    Both of The Walking Dead game's seasons tugged on my heart strings for obvious reasons. From Lee's death to Kenny's return, there wasn't a dry eye for a lot of the time. Any TellTale game for that matter, honestly.

    Far Cry 3 actually got me a little emotional because watching Jason Brody become more and more crazy was just really sad to watch.

    The Modern Warfare series since, y'know, every likable character HAD to die. I remember Soap's death ruining my entire day.

    Not as much of a popular opinion, but GTA V made me feel, too. I felt for Michael. He really did love his kids and he wanted his family back together. Fucking spectacular writing.

    What is your favorite restaurant/place to eat?

  • Golden Corral because it has an all-you-can-eat buffet.

    Favorite sitcom?

  • Seinfeld. Sorry, I'm lame.

    Have you ever sprained/broke a limb before?

  • edited November 2016

    Yes I've done both. My most recent one happened many months ago. I tore a major muscle in my foot. I was arguing on Facebook as usual about politics, this time I was jumping up and down screaming, I landed on it sideways. The hospital tried not to laugh, I was out of work for a month. I eventually left Facebook and Political online debate groups. I am normally calm, yet politics is like a drug to me that makes me act differently. Basically like how Bruce Wayne attacked Oswald in episode 3, that's me on politics.

    What do you want for Christmas.

  • A life... Just kidding, sorry. A PS4 would be great!

    Favorite band?

  • Green Day and Blink 182

    Favorite BioShock villains?

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