Answer the question above you



  • Eyes (and ass)

    Your favorite video game trilogy?

  • edited January 2017

    Really? I think the most horror games have ever done to me was give me a jump scare or two. But then again, I was the kind of kid that was horrified when I watched Zombieland. Only ever even enjoyed 2 horror movies. Cabin in the Woods, and Evil Dead 2: Dead Before Dawn. Nothing else has been even remotely enjoyable to me. I've been too scared.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Actually I think horror games scarred me more than horror movies. I never got nightmares from any horror movies.

  • I think the most horror games have ever done to me was give me a jump scare or two.

    Have you ever played Alien Isolation? The Alien always gets me when I get spotted and killed.

    I was the kind of kid that was horrified when I watched Zombieland

    Really? Zombieland didn't look scary to me, it's a comedian Zombie movie.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Really? I think the most horror games have ever done to me was give me a jump scare or two. But then again, I was the kind of kid that was h

  • Uncharted

    Which Spider-Man movie is the WORST? Spider-Man 3 or The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

  • Never played it. Only horror game I ever played that genuinely got to me was Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

    And yeah, it is a comedic zombie movie, but when I was 11 or 12, that movie scared the shit outta me. I just hated how dark it all was.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think the most horror games have ever done to me was give me a jump scare or two. Have you ever played Alien Isolation? The Alien

  • Why would Kenny be so stupid to trust Clem that she can drive?!

  • And why would most people think being alone with AJ is the best?! Clem ends up losing a finger for NO GODAMN REASON!

  • You didn't answer my question

    jhti0612 posted: »

    And why would most people think being alone with AJ is the best?! Clem ends up losing a finger for NO GODAMN REASON!

  • edited January 2017

    Do I have to? I havent watch spider man 3 but the amazing spider man 2 was good, except for Gwen's death...

    Man, I was hoping for some1 else to answer this

  • edited January 2017

    Man, I just find out that my choices are messed up!

    Maybe I should go to another place for Q&A

  • edited January 2017
    • Spider Man 3 was the worst.
    • It's the apocalypse. No one is on the road. Best time to learn how to drive...
    • An 11 - 13 year old taking care of a baby is like the blind leading the blind. But what do I know? I don't have kids.

    There! All questions answered. Lol


    Are you getting worn out over all the Superhero movies that have been coming out over the years?

  • You miss the point of this game m8

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Man, I just find out that my choices are messed up! Maybe I should go to another place for Q&A

  • Yeah. Never been a fan of superhero movies anyway.

    What do you think about Mars colonization?

  • You mean life on Mars? If so, I think its possible they might have existed a while ago. Not sure about now, though.

    Batman or Superman?

  • I meant people making colonies on Mars, but whatever, that answer satisfies me too.


    Do you believe in souls?

  • edited January 2017

    No sorry

    Do you have depression? (don't answer if you don't want to oke it's more of a personal question but if you want to talk about it)

  • Nope

    Is there something you hate about your favourite video game company?

  • Yes, I hate that Telltale has gotten lazy and greedy.

    What's your NFL team?

  • edited January 2017

    Bioware is my favorite & I hate that they didn't make Cassandra a love interest for women. :(

    The Packers. I'm from WI.

    What video game world would you like to live in?

  • Sorry. I posted 1 minute after you.:(

    OllieQueen posted: »

    Yes, I hate that Telltale has gotten lazy and greedy. What's your NFL team?

  • edited January 2017

    Yeah, i do. Officially for about 2 years, because i stopped going to school so i was forced to visit a psychologist and psychiatrist, i also got individual teaching because of that, and i tell you what - that shit sucks, and it only reduced my social skills even more than 'help'. School psychologist didn't bother to do anything, even though my mom asked. They just sent it all ot the court right away. It was my fault, but as a school they fucked up too. I changed school after that. So yeah. Part of first and whole second class of middle school i had individual teaching.

    And unofficially? I think for about 5-6 years. I stopped going outside around 3rd class of Elementary school, i don't remember how long ago my dad exactly died, but it should be around that time. Even though i don't really connect my depression (nor i remember doing it) with death of my father (it's most likely something subconscious factor for me), it was probably the trigger situation for me. It's kind of a weird situation, because i'm actually glad he died, he was an alcoholic and he was hurting my mom.

    Oh boy, i never thought i will open up in this thread :D

    By the way, i don't believe in souls either, so you have nothing to be sorry about.

    What do you think about Holocene calender?


    Sorry, someone answered the depression question before i did. Kinda took me a long time to type all of that :D

  • No problem, mate.

    Good luck to your Packers in the playoffs.

    Ezuthyus posted: »

    Sorry. I posted 1 minute after you.:(

  • [removed]

  • Makes us seem more futuristic and advanced.

    If you could redo something in your life, what would you redo? (e.g. apply for a different school)

  • Thanks for answering my question :/

    jhti0612 posted: »

    Is TellTale pronounced tell-tell or tell-tail?

  • Damn I was almost send to somekind of depression house. Your father does sound like a dick.

    I am 1 minute into the video and feel borred would somebody like to give me a explanation.

    Adamiks posted: »

    Yeah, i do. Officially for about 2 years, because i stopped going to school so i was forced to visit a psychologist and psychiatrist, i also

  • Kingom Fucking Hearts
    Final Fantasy 15 when it's daytime

    Ezuthyus posted: »

    Bioware is my favorite & I hate that they didn't make Cassandra a love interest for women. The Packers. I'm from WI. What video game world would you like to live in?

  • Square Enix rushed FF15 storyline and it takes them forever to release a game ans FF7 Remake in multiple parts?.... Wel atleast it will not take 10 years to release.

    Yes Telltale has become lazy and 100% with The Walking Dead S3. Stand alone it's okay but that game could've been the next Season 1

    AronDracula posted: »

    Nope Is there something you hate about your favourite video game company?

  • Well, he was a good person when sober. But that doesn't really change anything, he was addicted to the point of no return. He had a lot of chances to get back, but he fucked it all up. So yeah.

    Well, basically, it would be year 12017 instead of 2017. They think we shouldn't use Jesus' birth as a starting point because it's unfair towards other cultures. Instead, we should start from something like first community effort to build something greater than just shelter - it would be a universal starting point and faiur for all cultures.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Damn I was almost send to somekind of depression house. Your father does sound like a dick. I am 1 minute into the video and feel borred would somebody like to give me a explanation.

  • It's a type of calendar that's 10,000 years ahead from our typical calendar, so the year is 12,017. The start of the calendar is supposed to represent when human civilization took off, from hunter-gatherers to agriculture and civilizing areas.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Damn I was almost send to somekind of depression house. Your father does sound like a dick. I am 1 minute into the video and feel borred would somebody like to give me a explanation.

  • Being an atheist, I personally have no issue with it. An extra number to write when dating things? No thank you, four is enough.

    ...ok, that came out really lazy of me.

    Adamiks posted: »

    Well, he was a good person when sober. But that doesn't really change anything, he was addicted to the point of no return. He had a lot of c

  • edited January 2017

    Because of the whole not going outside (+ not eating much), i'm short and my chest is slightly deformed (gentle case of this, and mostly only the right side is affected). Just in general - i have problems with bones and health.

    Yet, i don't want to redo anything. if i changed anything, i would end up being someone else than i am now. There are things i regret doing, yes, but i'm fine with the mistakes i made, because they shaped my personality.

    Do you think aliens ever visited us in the past?

  • edited January 2017

    I don't have an issue with it too, but i can see why other people from different backgrounds can possibly have issues with it. It's kind of like if Muhammad's birth date as a worldwide starting point. People would be pissed.

    fancies posted: »

    Being an atheist, I personally have no issue with it. An extra number to write when dating things? No thank you, four is enough. ...ok, that came out really lazy of me.

  • I apply to a different school because

    • If you suck at your exam you cannot get a second change for reasons.
    • You are told that you are stupid
    • They threat everybody with a high intelligence like God or the second Jesus and if they beat, scream cancer in attack their teacher after it they get away with it the next second but if somebody with a normall intelligence does it he is evil.
    • They really don't care if you get attacked on social media by there own students
      ''This kid threatened to kill my daughter and our family, threatened with terrorists and attacked our daughter psychical and mentally by words! We talked to you people about this and nothing has changed, my daughter goes to a school therapist and nothing has happened, we asked you people that we can talk to the boys parents but nothing has happened and this is getting worse. We are at the point going to the police and if they don't do anything I wait him up end do something myself (and this one is also real: You people are overreacting you should be glad your daughter is on our school- boss of the school reaction to mother AND THIS ONE TO: You are blaming me- Boy Yes I do- Teacher I am innocent- Boy You are so good at talking yourself out of it- Teacher leaves WTF WAS THAT) - Mom

    -Dumb kids that have sex on school and outside of school during breaks THESE PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES. It seems like if you are a asshole on school and get in fights alot you get laid or some reason and don't forget the drugs.

    You know I am sorry to say to these people who had a school shooting I have respect for you people and feel sorry for your loses but I will not fucking shiver if there is a school shooting at my school and my only concern is my friends I could careless about these students and teachers.

    Does somebody love ice cream? I love it

  • edited January 2017

    Who doesn't?

    Do you think the TV adaptation of Life is Strange will be better or just as shit as the game?

  • Interesting

    Adamiks posted: »

    Well, he was a good person when sober. But that doesn't really change anything, he was addicted to the point of no return. He had a lot of c

  • I don't think Life is Strange was shit. Though, i doubt making a movie from a interactive game is smart. Making a interactive game from a movie/series is smart, but it doesn't work the other way around.

    Do you like rain?

  • When I want to have lazy day and don't want my parents hounding me over it? Yes. When I have to drive to work or an hour and a half to visit my friend on his college campus, then no?

    What is something you normally do to pass time?

  • edited January 2017

    Lord it over my Sim family. I am a god to them.

    What is your favorite Genre of novels?

  • Sci Fi

    Have you ever kissed your crush?

    Spiegel1 posted: »

    Lord it over my Sim family. I am a god to them. What is your favorite Genre of novels?

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