What is your view on politics and politicians?
Okay so as everyone knows I am very conservative.
However, I am honestly thinking of not voting this time around.
I started doing some thinking about it, and whether it's been a Conservative who has gotten into office, or a Liberal, every single one has harmed the American people in some way.
Plus, so many of of these politicians are such greedy bastards, how do you honestly know whom you can trust?
Not to mention I'm so sick of all the mud slinging that these guys do to wipe out their opponent. After a while I just get so damned sick of it, that I'm beginning to feel that voting is just not worth it.
Not to mention, they all wanna be able to tell us what to do, but they are not willing to abide but the rules they set, nor held accountable when they break said rules. For example, insider trading is illegal for the average Joe - like you and me. However, for politicians, it since perfectly legal. Anybody else see a problem with that? If the rules they make are supposedly good enough for the people, than they should be good enough for the leaders who make them.
Also, none of them wanna be held accountable for when they make a decision that causes harm to someone else. They are to arrogant and self righteous to admit that they fucked-up, and that it harmed others. For example, because of the legislators making San Francisco a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, 32 year odd Kate Steinley was murdered by a man, who was in the country illegally, and who had multiple felonies on his record. Yet when confronted with this, the people who run through city "declined the comment".
The Constitution is a great document, and thanks to the Bill of Rights, we have a legal guarantee that our human rights will be observed and protected by the legal system. But it was written by guys who owned slaves, though they weren't the first people in history to ever do so.
I think the late stand-up comedian George Carlin had some interesting things to say, regarding political correctness, and politicians.
And here it is!
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As of this point, I refuse to align with any political camps.
I dont know if that technically makes me an independent or what, but the point is - I am my own man, and I choose not to vote for anyone, because if or when they fuck something up, I don't have to share any of the responsibility - because of having helped vote them into office.
I don't like being upset, which is what politics makes me, so I choose not to pay attention to any politics outside of the election, however, My view is that pretty much every party has either lied, cheated, stole, begged and borrowed their way to where they are now. Not a single presidential candidate has clean hands going through this, not even Bernie, but the best I can say is almost anything is better than Hillary Clinton, maybe even Trump. Then again, they're both pretty stupid.
As for what's going on outside of the election, I don't know and I don't think I want to know. There's too much ugly in the election as it is, it makes me sad. I don't want to know what these fuckers are doing outside of the election.
My view on politics is that it's ridiculous and everyone is fucking everything up, but sometimes these things have to happen.
There a thread on this a few posts down.....in fact you posted in it
To misquote Karl Popper, the point isn't to get good people into political office, it's about putting pressure on the political class to do good.
Though I can think of one person who has consistently stood on his princples, and he happens to be running for president...
And pray tell as to whom this individual is.
I'm guessing Sanders, not sure anyone else could possibly fit that bill.
Lol, my B. I thought everybody knew I was enthusiastically in the Bernie camp.
Yes, I have been seeing him on the news for years, and he has consistently talked about the working poor, the increasing wealth gap, and the lack of access to education or healthcare.
Music is hokey, and it's clipbaiting, but still:
enter link description here
Apparently he is also a long term progressive on social issues.
And even longer:
Love Bernie, Trump is an asshole, Hillary is a liar, etc.
Fun Fact : On Hillary's first date with Bill, they crossed a picket line and scabbed.
I'm a "burn the banks, jail the landlords" radical leftist. The most appropriate label would probably be "Libertarian Socialist". I'm also a spooky, scary Marxist, though I'm still learning and don't agree with all his economic prescriptions. I'm highly skeptical of both the state and capitalism and feel that both are inextricably tied together.
There a big controversy in socialist circles over whether or not to support Sanders, but I do. Social democracy is at least a step above neoliberalism.
My favorite politician? Well, more of an labor activist, really.
Fuck them all more than half are just thieves
Too old and she's a traitor soooooo