It's like I said earlier; Telltale doesn't move fast enough to where I need to update my predictions every few weeks. That is something that I would guess every two or three months if I felt like doing it frequently. As I said before, let's wait a little longer.
I was right about guessing Batman comes out in August (yay!), but it seems like the Minecraft DLC is not coming out monthly like I had initially thought. That's about all that has changed at this point.
Bumping the thread is not necessary if you don't have anything specific to add, so if you post here, please add something new or updated to discuss. Thanks.
Batman Episode 2 - September 6
Minecraft Episode 8 - September 13
Batman Episode 3 - October 4
Walking Dead 301 - October 18
Batman Episode 4 - November 8
Walking Dead 302 - November 22
Batman Episode 5 - December 13/20
Hey bilnd sniper update predictions for the third quarter editon.
hey Bilnd can you update the release date predictions for upcoming telltale games.
Hey bilnd sniper update the release date predictions please
It's like I said earlier; Telltale doesn't move fast enough to where I need to update my predictions every few weeks. That is something that I would guess every two or three months if I felt like doing it frequently. As I said before, let's wait a little longer.
I was right about guessing Batman comes out in August (yay!), but it seems like the Minecraft DLC is not coming out monthly like I had initially thought. That's about all that has changed at this point.
Bumping the thread is not necessary if you don't have anything specific to add, so if you post here, please add something new or updated to discuss. Thanks.
Hey bilnd sniper update your predictions of upcoming telltale games for the third quarter of the year please.
Hey bilnd sniper would you create q3 of telltale 2016 schedule predictions discussion please.
Blind Sniper is out for the rest of the month. Meanwhile, go read his July 2 reply above again.
Telltale Games - Batman Game august 2nd...
I have SEEN it.
Stop with the damn spam mate.
Hey bilnd sniper would you update the predictions for upcoming telltale games please
Batman Episode 2 - September 6
Minecraft Episode 8 - September 13
Batman Episode 3 - October 4
Walking Dead 301 - October 18
Batman Episode 4 - November 8
Walking Dead 302 - November 22
Batman Episode 5 - December 13/20