Batman SXSW Panel Discussion done - Coming Summer, 5 Eps, uses notably updated engine



  • edited March 2016

    Edit: Ah, nevermind. Seems the script's size has been shown on Telltale's blog. However, as I'm not sure if people know this with not watching the stream, Pierre Shorette is taking the lead on the 1st season according to Eurogamer.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Telltale retweeted an article from Mashable where they talk about Batman with Kevin Bruner;

    Bruner describes the tone of the story as "definitely gritty" — think Frank Miller — and a canvas for mature, M-rated themes, featuring an art style inspired in part by Jim Lee. But Telltale games are driven by choice, and Batman mythology leaves a lot of room to stretch.


    "You can't go to a big gala and interact with all the players of Gotham as Batman,"Bruner said. "If you want to influence and gather information and figure out what's going on in that context, you have to be Bruce."

    I don't read comics personally, but a quick Google search shows a good variety of what Jim Lee's art looks like. Imagine this, but in a version of Wolf's art style with notably higher production qualities:

    Batman Jim Lee

  • If it's worth noting, Frank Miller wrote some the most memorable Batman stories, such as The Dark Knight Returns, which is a major inspiration for the upcoming movie.

    Here's some more work by Jim Lee:

    enter image description here Telltale retweeted an article from Mashable where they talk ab

  • Oh man this is going to look gorgeous. Is there art he drew of Bruce? Telltale retweeted an article from Mashable where they talk ab

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne by Jim Lee

    Bruce Wayne by Jim Lee

    Oh man this is going to look gorgeous. Is there art he drew of Bruce?

  • Bruce looks great! I assume that he is in his mid or late twenties here?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Late twenties or early thirties, I think. Jim Lee's style of Bruce is definitely what they're going for, judging by the concept art that Telltale showed in their teaser trailer.

    Telltale Batman concept art

    Bruce looks great! I assume that he is in his mid or late twenties here?

  • edited March 2016

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Is S2 confirm?

  • Jim Lee is my favourite comic book artist of all time, so I'm all for this. Telltale retweeted an article from Mashable where they talk ab

  • I don't like the aim of becoming more like a movie studio than a game company. IMO games should learn to stand on their own rather than just copy movies (hence why I wish Telltale would introduce more mechanics in their future games).

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    That's what Telltale took away from the success of Season 1. They view things like puzzles or interactivity as getting away in the pacing of the story and something that alienates their new audience from during/after Season 1 as opposed to their previous games before Walking Dead.

    Personally, I think Telltale could look into adding more amounts of interactivity into their games based on which franchise they work with, but what's done is done at this point I suppose.

    JetLee posted: »

    I don't like the aim of becoming more like a movie studio than a game company. IMO games should learn to stand on their own rather than just copy movies (hence why I wish Telltale would introduce more mechanics in their future games).

  • I personally like that decision, I often felt like puzzles interfered in the story and personally made me feel disinterested, in Life Is Strange Episode 5, I found myself losing interest in the story due to the pretty lengthy puzzle sequence.

    That's what Telltale took away from the success of Season 1. They view things like puzzles or interactivity as getting away in the pacing of

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Wow, lots of news sites are linking to my thread. Hello world!

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Oh hey. News is popping up. I should check if it's news the forum should be updated with... sees source as this thread Nevermind.

    Wow, lots of news sites are linking to my thread. Hello world!

  • Hah, makes me wish I was more detailed in my summaries and used better words than "stuff". :P

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Oh hey. News is popping up. I should check if it's news the forum should be updated with... sees source as this thread Nevermind.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    You're famous now :P

    I had a similar thing happen to me when i uploaded the Tales from the Borderlands episode 4 intro to youtube, there where some articles talking about the intros or the game in general and they where using the video i uploaded.

    Wow, lots of news sites are linking to my thread. Hello world!

  • I think Nathan also retweeted one of your recordings of E3 or some other event last year.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    You're famous now :P I had a similar thing happen to me when i uploaded the Tales from the Borderlands episode 4 intro to youtube, there where some articles talking about the intros or the game in general and they where using the video i uploaded.

  • I feel the same way. I'm glad they got rid of puzzles in their recent games.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I personally like that decision, I often felt like puzzles interfered in the story and personally made me feel disinterested, in Life Is Strange Episode 5, I found myself losing interest in the story due to the pretty lengthy puzzle sequence.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Yeah, i think it was the Twitchcon stage demo for Minecraft Story Mode.

    I think Nathan also retweeted one of your recordings of E3 or some other event last year.

  • Since, surprisingly enough, news sites are also linking to my thread in addition to the official blog post, I took the liberty of adding more detailed/fleshed out descriptions and made my answers more properly written (meaning I got rid of phrases like "new stuff").

  • When I wrote a really good plot summary of Jurassic World on IMDb, a lot of web sites used it, so I know how that feels.

    Pretty good feeling.

    Wow, lots of news sites are linking to my thread. Hello world!

  • Season 2 will never happen.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Is S2 confirm?

  • Ooh, improving the thread to impress the media... I see you added (Summarized by volunteer community moderators) among other things. Coolio. (I do like how you also reminded people that summer can end around September, I'm sure many people may forget that come July/August.)

    Since, surprisingly enough, news sites are also linking to my thread in addition to the official blog post, I took the liberty of adding mor

  • Haha, it's not to impress, I just figured that if people were going to quote me, it would be better to have phrases that sound more proper than "new stuff."

    AChicken posted: »

    Ooh, improving the thread to impress the media... I see you added (Summarized by volunteer community moderators) among other things. Coolio.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Heh. I know how you feel. I once wrote a summary of independent gaming releases on a forum when I visited a convention, and news sites were quoting my post instead of the official source, and I wrote everything before anything official went up, so it had some wording like stuff and things. If I knew I was going to be referenced like that, I would have worded things a lot clearer.

    Though, that was in 2006, and back then even the bigger gaming news sites just quoted instead of linked. There wasn't really the strive for them to include sources, as most didn't view themselves as actual journalists (gaming hadn't yet gotten into the mainstream like it has now). Thankfully most of the bigger gaming websites are better at that now.

    Haha, it's not to impress, I just figured that if people were going to quote me, it would be better to have phrases that sound more proper than "new stuff."

  • I find this whole thing rediculous. Some crazy man, dressed up as a bat? Flying around fighting crime? Someone has too much time on their hands hehehehe. Just simply call the police and be done with it uhh. adjust monocle and sips tea

  • I'd like to ask, when is the waiting thread for episode one going to be created? I get that we have anywhere from 3 months to 6 months (June-September), but the Michonne thread was made right after the announcement at last E3, and at that point the release was in late Fall, so I'm not sure if there's a certain pattern you guys follow for waiting threads.

  • For new series, we try to make threads when we think the episode is 1-3 months away from premiere. We were still trying to figure out how to handle waiting threads for sequels, but we recently came up with the idea of news threads for future series before the episode 1 waiting thread is up, and are trying that out.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    I'd like to ask, when is the waiting thread for episode one going to be created? I get that we have anywhere from 3 months to 6 months (June

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