A gamer's message

Media, powerful experiences that come in all different forms. We all have our favorite types of media. For some it's literature, others enjoy cinema, we enjoy gaming. Many ask themselves why we enjoy these things so much. It's been easy for gamers to question this with all the console wars constantly being waged online or the microtransactions that have plagued gaming for years. Like I stated before, it's easy to ask yourself why, but there is always a reason. We can't ignore the tremendous strides gaming has taken over the years, the effect it has had on us all. For me gaming is everything, an escape, an experience,and a remedy. You may be questioning where I'm going with this so here it is: I'm here to ask something of you, all of you. In this next year that is almost upon us I ask you to love gaming. Embrace everyone's differences and opinions instead of putting other gamers down because of what they enjoy. Give the games you enjoy extra love and don't solely focus on what's wrong in gaming. I'm not asking you to give up on combating evil in gaming, that's the opposite of what I'm requesting. I'm simply asking for you to unite your fellow gamers to make our favorite medium of entertainment a better place.


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