Observation/Common Sense/ Good Advice Thread.
Okay so I have been affiliated with this website as the member for around two years or so. And in that time I have seen many controversial issues come up in different threads of people have posted, whether it's about a video game or a social issue or political issue or whatever have you.
In fact, as many of you know I myself have post such threads! Whether that's good or bad, well I'll let you be the judge. Lol!
But serioisly, what I have noticed all too often is that people on here, and I don't necessarily care what their ages are, oftentimes are responding to each other in such an uncivil and discourteous way. It seems like people weather on this website, or even just out in the world in general, have this problem.
On a personal note, I believe that as we get more and more wrapped up in technology, which in tirn tends to keep us wrapped up in our own little world, that we as people - society in general, are losing our ability of discussing things - especially hot-topic issues- in a calm and professional manner.
And one of the things that I have learned a person is that self control is basically the entire key to a successful life. Self-control enables people to have discipline, successful relationships with other people, gives people personal dignity, and etc. Self-control is so essential, that I cannot stress it enough.
And in regards the last topic I mentioned about self control giving a person personal dignity - if you have enough regard for yourself as a person, it will stop you from acting or responding in a way that would be indicative of poor character. It will make stop and think: "How is this gonna affect those around me, and do I want to be known for such behavior?"
Now taking the high road is not always easy, in fact that's often enough the last thing it is! But by taking the high rode - trying to be the best you can be in every situation, you WILL feel better about yourself.
Not to mention, that having a good reputation will carry you much farther in life than brains ever will. Human beings were meant to depend on each other, to work and to cooperate - and when everyone does that, everyone wins. But the key to being able to cooperate, again, is having self control.
With that said, I came across some YouTube videos recently that deal with the subjects here that I have addressed. How this guy, (who is not me, I'm not the guy in the video), addresses these issues is very down to earth and easy to understand.
Listen to his take on it.
Listen to each video, and then think about what was said.
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NOTICE: if you have made and interesting observation lately on a certain issue, if you yourself perhaps have some good advice about something that you'd like to share, please feel free to do so.
I mostly try and speak my mind during discussions, rather than getting a good first impression or speaking like a gentleman.