Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • That would've been a cool easter egg.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Gabe should have/had a pet rabbit named Max.

  • -I liked A New Frontier more than Season 2
    -I think both Kenny and Jane were cancer made people (apparently you can´t hate one w/o love the other?)
    -Duck and Sarah were cool and believable in my book
    -Gabe was pretty cool. An annoying twat, yes, but you can see why
    -Non-clem chars are great. Give me more non-clem chars to play!

  • Exactly!

    bruzdaa posted: »

    That would've been a cool easter egg.

  • Honestly, I think the best season 2 ending is Clem all alone.

    Both Kenny and Jane were turning out to be very flawed characters who would put Clem (the kid they're trying to protect) into dangerous situations and not caring how their plans affected her and others in general. Their final fight is to me a great example of this, Jane made a horrible plan that could've easily backfired and was based in leaving AJ completely alone, but Kenny's first reaction is him losing all rational thought and becoming murderous ( it is understandable but not justified).

    That's why I can't chose one or the other, I was actually surprised seeing that most people left with one of them haha.

  • I get that, I wonder if the Luke and Jane scene was a last minute addition just to counter that idea.

    DabigRG posted: »

    now you did play season 1, right? Yes, I did and Katjaa was more than capable of speaking against Kenny when he was in the wrong at

  • Well, happy birthday Dabig.
    I hope it went better than Luke's?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Huh. I think I made it clear that I was trying to look at his Episode 2 appearance from the point of view of those who were actually exposed

  • Doug is really underrated and deserves more love.

  • Clementine is a potential red ring to your ANF save file.

  • edited July 2017

    I feel like the huge wave of hate for the Kate that happened after Above the Law had less to do with being mad about her not wanting to be with David again(which is understandable) and more to do with them assuming he was abusing her only to psychologically backlash when he's made out to be this great guy.

    Note:Highlight this if you want to read cause I aint changing it. :p

  • THIS.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Doug is really underrated and deserves more love.

  • edited July 2017

    white against light grey was never a good combination

    i mean, i can read it but it really hurts my eyes

    sorry if you don't have control over the text color (or if it's some weird bug that is only visible on my end)

    DabigRG posted: »

    I feel like the huge wave of hate for the Kate that happened after Above the Law had less to do with being mad about her not wanting to be w

  • edited July 2017

    Why, you can't see it


    white against light grey was never a good combination i mean, i can read it but it really hurts my eyes sorry if you don't have control over the text color (or if it's some weird bug that is only visible on my end)

  • While you can definitely argue it paid off for some, I feel like Telltale overcompensated with David.

  • I don't really care for Christa.

    Really tried myself to get to like her or at least understand her but I just feel so detached to her. Sure she helped Clem survive for almost a year but I didn't feel anything that made me thank or appreciate her, its I think because we didn't get to see in full length of her and Clem survive or the care she has to Clem.

    • Clementine's story should have ended with season 2.
    • I didn't hate or love ANF. It was just okay.
    • People put Chuck on too high of a pedestal.
  • Idk if this really counts as an opinion, but:

    I think Telltale wanted fans to choose the Jane ending in S2 because it fits better with Clementine's character in New Frontier.

  • edited July 2017

    I didn't hate or love ANF. It was just okay.

    Agreed. There are a number of things I was disappointed about, but I agree.

    People put Chuck on too high of a pedestal.

    Eh...maybe? :confused: I don't know, he's actually a pretty good character for what little time he had and if anything, I'd say some people misrepresent his points.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    * Clementine's story should have ended with season 2. * I didn't hate or love ANF. It was just okay. * People put Chuck on too high of a pedestal.

  • Probably so. Then again, Jane is sort of a bad future version of Clementine to begin with, so maybe it was just unfortunate destiny.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Idk if this really counts as an opinion, but: I think Telltale wanted fans to choose the Jane ending in S2 because it fits better with Clementine's character in New Frontier.

  • edited July 2017

    I think what made me think that was the line Clementine used if you decided to kick the family out:

    Randy: W-what if we're dangerous?

    Clementine: (pulls out gun) What if I am? Now leave!

    That right there got me believing it was true. I also mark it as a huge turning point in her character.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Probably so. Then again, Jane is sort of a bad future version of Clementine to begin with, so maybe it was just unfortunate destiny.

  • edited July 2017

    I mean, Chuck wasn't bad, but he and his advice are definitely overrated.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I didn't hate or love ANF. It was just okay. Agreed. There are a number of things I was disappointed about, but I agree. Peopl

    • I loved playing as Javi
    • Nick and Uncle Pete are my favorite characters from the cabin group, and are the most wasted characters in the game
    • Wellington ending is the best one (not sure if this is unpopular, it ain't popular either)
    • Kenny's sacrifice scene is better with Christa than with Ben
    • Duck is cool
  • Yeah. Chuck really just told Lee common sense. It just took Chuck to get it through Lee's head. Christa comes along to confirm Chuck's advice.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    I mean, Chuck wasn't bad, but he and his advice are definitely overrated.

  • Now that you mention it, they probably could've just had Christa be the one to tell Lee the harsher stuff, with Omid selling it better through the less harsh stuff.

    However, Chuck is a memorable enough character that I don't mind having him be a separate character. I just kinda wish they did something else with him.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Yeah. Chuck really just told Lee common sense. It just took Chuck to get it through Lee's head. Christa comes along to confirm Chuck's advice.

  • Totally agree

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I hope Clementine doesn't return to Richmond with AJ. I hope they travel alone again.

  • I think Telltale wanted fans to choose the Jane ending in S2 because it fits better with Clementine's character in New Frontier.

    How is Clem kissing Gabe in character? That was never the Clementine I know, kissing a random boy of her age with ZERO development.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Idk if this really counts as an opinion, but: I think Telltale wanted fans to choose the Jane ending in S2 because it fits better with Clementine's character in New Frontier.

  • He means her behavior and actions make more sense if she went with Jane.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think Telltale wanted fans to choose the Jane ending in S2 because it fits better with Clementine's character in New Frontier. How

  • edited July 2017

    I really liked playing as Javier, he is really cool, strong, tough, brave... (all good qualitys in a protagonist, the kinds of qualitys a playable character should have!) you can be a tough guy in your gameplays and people can take you seriously as a threat, thats something you cant do while you play as an eleven year old, nobody cant take a child seriously.

  • Kenny was a great guy and my favorite character

  • Not an unpopular opinion but i agree ;)

    xxplvb posted: »

    Kenny was a great guy and my favorite character

  • I agree with all of your points except the one about Wellington being the best. Why is that better than getting more scenes with Kenny?

    * I loved playing as Javi * Nick and Uncle Pete are my favorite characters from the cabin group, and are the most wasted characters in the

  • I assume this is unpopular:

    Nate wasn't a bad guy. Sure. He was crazy as fuck. But what do we know about him. He chased two people who murdered one of his friends. Sure, it could have been an ambush, but wouldn't the guy in the bushes been able to shoot the guy who didn't have a gun out if he was coming out to rob him?

    And yes, he did kill and rob some old people. But these old people start firing at him first when he and Russel were just minding their own business. No. Honestly, can anyone say that if Nate and Russel just left that the old man wouldn't have shot them in the back?

    He did almost get Russel bit in what was essentially a joke. OK. That's pretty messed up. He was also has a nasty mouth on him and should have covered Russel the first time.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying he's a good guy. But he's far from the pure psychopath most people think.

  • I love Kenny, but I just think staying at Wellington makes more sense. Kenny himself said he didn't trust himself to take care of Clem and AJ anymore, and though I don't think he could do anything to hurt them, I can't deny he was a broken man. Clem finally gets to be in a safe place, with people and resoruces, something she has never gotten before, and Kenny finally got to keep the ones he care about safe, it was his character arc since S1, he couldn't keep Duck, Katjaa and Sarita safe, but with Clem and AJ going into Wellington he did it. Also I think it's the most emotional one, I cried so hard when Kenny gave Clem his hat.

    I agree with all of your points except the one about Wellington being the best. Why is that better than getting more scenes with Kenny?

  • Letting Kenny fulfill his mission by getting the children to safety is a great reason. It was really hard for me to deny him that, especially when he was begging and pleading me to listen to him. Funnily, it was probably the only time i didn't listen to Kenny in the whole game. Basically it was a choice to leave Kenny thinking he was broken man who finally did right, or he gets his second chance at raising a family.

    The main reason I didn't like Wellington ending is how it was handled in ANF. It felt like it was overrun so easily and it didn't get an extra flashback in episode 4. Having Kenny's hat is still cool though and will come into play. If You did Wellington and did not take the hat, I cant forgive you haha.

    I love Kenny, but I just think staying at Wellington makes more sense. Kenny himself said he didn't trust himself to take care of Clem and A

  • Clementine going with someone who killed a friend of hers is out of character. Not to you maybe but to me, yes.

    DabigRG posted: »

    He means her behavior and actions make more sense if she went with Jane.

  • I read it, but I'm having a hard time comprehending it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I feel like the huge wave of hate for the Kate that happened after Above the Law had less to do with being mad about her not wanting to be w

  • ...You didn't read my username, did you?

    Look, I definitely see what they were going for there, but unfortunately Jane ended up being a very unsympathetic, not to mention superficial character. And in the parallel that she's a bad future version of Clementine and it just so happens to line up.

    Jane was edgy, so Clementine is edgy. Jane was bitter, so Clementine is bitter. Jane was shilled, so Clementine is shilled(though to an almost acceptable, far lesser degree). And finally, Jane looked like a lesbian but slept around with dudes, so Clementine...well, you get the idea.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Clementine going with someone who killed a friend of hers is out of character. Not to you maybe but to me, yes.

  • Short version: I think so many people turned on Kate because David wasn't a one-note abuser, implying they only liked her for being an [unfortunately informed] badass survivor of abuse.

    I read it, but I'm having a hard time comprehending it.

  • I don't really like Kenny. At first I kinda hated him. The first Telltale game I played was season 2 when it came out (got it as a gift), so maybe that's one of the biggest reasons.. all I knew about Telltales TWD was that everybody loves Kenny and I remember thinking what the hell is wrong with people, this guy's a dick. And then I really loved Jane, the decision between them wasn't difficult. Of course some time after that I got around to playing season 1 too, so his character made more sense then. But I still can't say I like him.

  • Yeah, a fair number of the Kensplainers justification unfortunately comes down to "He was in Season 1."

    Now Jane, on the other hand....

    lilsnek posted: »

    I don't really like Kenny. At first I kinda hated him. The first Telltale game I played was season 2 when it came out (got it as a gift), so

  • edited July 2017

    What about Jane? I've been trying to accept how they wrote her out of the story. Best I can come up with is maybe she had mental health problems like her sister, and the pregnancy was enough to push her over the edge. People in their right mind don't kill themselves. Something that would justify it, because otherwise it's just bad writing

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, a fair number of the Kensplainers justification unfortunately comes down to "He was in Season 1." Now Jane, on the other hand....

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