Subtitles and dialogue are completely different 50% of the Time in EP 5

Now it wasn't a massive pain, it did become a pretty big distraction, sometimes dialogue would be said that's not even the same sentence in the subtitles or are not even in the subtitles itself. This is just a minor nitpick that I noticed. I know it's not common to have some unvoiced lines in story mode, but entirely different lines that don't even follow the script is a bit strange.


  • Yeah it was really weird. One of the biggest complaints for an overall amazing episode.

  • Same! I was really not looking forward to playing it as most of the other episodes had been mediocre at best. But this episode was literally amazing and the best one of the season so far - I hope they can keep it up. But I had to stop looking at the subtitles like you said as they were constantly changing and basically never correct.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yeah it was really weird. One of the biggest complaints for an overall amazing episode.

  • I think it is because they originally planned this to be the final episode so somethings happened at different times like you learned the founders name earlier so when they finally decided they were doing an additional 3 episodes they decided to rewrite the 5th episode a little bit but they didn't update the subtitles

  • Okay it wasn't just me, other people had that as well. Yeah that threw me off at first, it wouldn't be a problem if it happened once or twice, but we're talking like half of the dialogue in the episode, it does get distracting after a while. The episode itself was great, but that bothered me.

  • Yeah, I was pretty bothered by that as well. One negative for an otherwise great episode. I think I might turn off the subtitles when I replay it just so it won't distract.

  • It was really distracting. I kept being took out of it when I was like 'Wait, that's different' every two minutes.

  • edited March 2016

    It was annoying, I'll give you that. But, I'm not going to complain so much about that. Someone did fail in some department, though. Usually, it's only one or two lines but this was basically non-stop.

    It did get funny sometimes, [Yeah, I think you're right. Man, what a relief.] becomes---> "Yeah, what a relief. I mean, once you get that flint and steel back, it should be a straight shot home now." (Like, seriously?)

  • edited March 2016

    Right. My Jesse never learnt the Founder's name so when it was in a dialogue option I was so confused. ("Who's Isa? The Founder? How in the world did you learn her name?")

    I think it is because they originally planned this to be the final episode so somethings happened at different times like you learned the fo

  • That't why I play..... Without Subtitles! YEAHHHHHHH

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