Episode 5 not working? Almost everything all black

I just started episode 5 and... it seems to be wildly glitched. I could see the text for the opening credits, some fire, and some floating blue lights, but otherwise, it's all black; no characters, no environment, nothing. When a dialogue option came up, that had text as well, but it didn't show the buttons. Is anyone else experiencing this? This seems pretty massive.


  • Yeh i have the game on my xbox 360 but it will not install episode 5

  • I had this problem where the whole screen was black. I found out that there was a mark in my disk. If you have a disk Try looking to see if there's a mark on yours. I had to go and buy a new one...

  • Not a disc, but the problem seems to be fixed now. Restarted the game, and everything was as it should be. Very odd though.

  • I have it on Xbox one. After I presses 'a' and it has checked for dlc it will keep me on the black loading screen with the loading icon in the bottom right. Still on. Anyone know why?

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