As of late, Star Wars Battlefront II.
All time favorite Star Wars game easily. Nothing is more satisfying than mowing down the entire enemy field as Luke Skywalker.
Just finished Dead Rising 4 and boy what a disappointment cant decide which of my 2 favorite franchises got shit on more Dead Rising or Mass Effect. It feels like Capcom doesn't understand what made Dead Rising 1 and 2 great and instead think juvenile humor is all it is and that frustrates me to no end. looked up the Frank Rising cutscenes on youtube and its just as bad Thanks for spoiling the end of the game and then selling the actual end of the game as a shitty DLC capcom fuck.
Hope I'm okay to talk about modded games. I'm playing Final Fantasy IX on an emulator, patched with the Unleashed difficulty mod.
Enemies and bosses are stronger than the original version, but certain characters have more utility due to reworked or new abilities, while having overpowered abilities nerfed or replaced entirely. It's quite fun to play, and it's not overly frustrating to go through certain difficult parts of the game either.
I just finished playing Expedition: Vikings. While I enjoyed the game, there was a lot of frustration thing about the game. Firstly, the game has a lot of bugs and it is unstable in some area. I get this weird feeling that the game want me to play a certain way and any off railing would result in the script breaking, which force me to reload and go through an area again, which is very annoying.
I feel like the developers have too many ideas and many of them were interesting and good, but they didn't manage to find a good synergy to all of it, which makes the whole experience feel like a mixed bag.
Street Fighter V. I usually don't like fighting games mainly because I suck at them, but I've enjoyed playing it so far. I've only played the story's main story and trials once I get online I might be done with the game lol.
I heard that game was very disappointing even if it is the best fighting game of 2016, probably because it was the only good one, others either suck or no one cares about them.
Street Fighter V. I usually don't like fighting games mainly because I suck at them, but I've enjoyed playing it so far. I've only played the story's main story and trials once I get online I might be done with the game lol.
I heard that game was very disappointing even if it is the best fighting game of 2016, probably because it was the only good one, others either suck or no one cares about them.
While not playing it, I'm now looking forward to Agents of Mayhem. I've heard about the game before, saw the brief initial trailer, and ignored it because it looked like a lot of other games. I just happened to watch a newer trailer and realized that it's the next Saint's Row game. Now they've got my attention. It appears they took the retcon/reboot ending of Gat out of Hell and ran with it. Maybe a direct sequel, maybe a spin-off. It remains to be seen. That SR feeling is definitely back though.
I've been playing the first two Darksiders games. These games are heavily underrated gems that any action adventure fan needs to pick up. They're derivative of other franchises like God of War and Legend of Zelda but they're not a cheap imitation as they do their own thing with it and provide an experience that's the best of both worlds in my opinion.
They're also making a Darksiders 3 that's coming out next year.
The first game probably has the best narrative of either franchise, but it also has a different combat system than most are used to. You tell your character to perform an action, then you can either watch them do that, or switch to another character and do something else while your character is executing that action. The second game has a normal action combat system and the third has both. Being able to switch to other members of your party is a great mechanic of the series and I wish Mass Effect had it too.
I started out with Mass Effect, but I think I like Dragon Age more. The amount of story which changes due to choices is crazy. The third game doesn't do save imports due to it being on a different generation of console(even on PC) and you have to enter your choices manually. It takes a long time. Definitely not like entering your Mass Effect choices in Andromeda.
Dragon Age II has the distinction of being the game which has made me hate a video game character more than I ever have.
I'm playing Mass Effect Andromeda right now, which I'm enjoying. Kind of sad how the sequel is on hiatus now though
I'm getting a Bioware craving from playing it, so I think I'm going to try and play the Dragon Age Series next.
Sweet, they sound like my kind of games. I'll play them in order, probably with the story dlcs and expansions too. I 'm not a big fan of teh combat system of the first one from what I've seen, but I hear such praise for the story that I can look past. Sadly I had a big part of the ending of the final Inquisition Expansion spoiled for me through a youtube title. Hopefully it won't hinder my enjoyment of the series.
Was it the player character that you hated so much in the second game?
Haven't played the Dragon Age series?
The first game probably has the best narrative of either franchise, but it also has a different com… morebat system than most are used to. You tell your character to perform an action, then you can either watch them do that, or switch to another character and do something else while your character is executing that action. The second game has a normal action combat system and the third has both. Being able to switch to other members of your party is a great mechanic of the series and I wish Mass Effect had it too.
I started out with Mass Effect, but I think I like Dragon Age more. The amount of story which changes due to choices is crazy. The third game doesn't do save imports due to it being on a different generation of console(even on PC) and you have to enter your choices manually. It takes a long time. Definitely not like entering your Mass Effect choices in Andromeda.
Dragon Age II has the … [view original content]
Sweet, they sound like my kind of games. I'll play them in order, probably with the story dlcs and expansions too. I 'm not a big fan of teh… more combat system of the first one from what I've seen, but I hear such praise for the story that I can look past. Sadly I had a big part of the ending of the final Inquisition Expansion spoiled for me through a youtube title. Hopefully it won't hinder my enjoyment of the series.
Was it the player character that you hated so much in the second game?
Haven't played the Dragon Age series?
The first game probably has the best narrative of either franchise, but it also has a different com… morebat system than most are used to. You tell your character to perform an action, then you can either watch them do that, or switch to another character and do something else while your character is executing that action. The second game has a normal action combat system and the third has both. Being able to switch to other members of your party is a great mechanic of the series and I wish Mass Effect had it too.
I started out with Mass Effect, but I think I like Dragon Age more. The amount of story which changes due to choices is crazy. The third game doesn't do save imports due to it being on a different generation of console(even on PC) and you have to enter your choices manually. It takes a long time. Definitely not like entering your Mass Effect choices in Andromeda.
Dragon Age II has the … [view original content]
i am currently playing 'tales from the borderlands' bc it was free on ps+ and i really like this game, probably gonna play more games from telltale. Maybe the "walking dead" series? I dont know the official name. Is it good? i am also gonna play Zombies Chronicles, hyped for that . i also wait for the next uncharted game, i love all the story based naughty dog games!
Recently got a PS4, so playing some PS console only games finally
The Last of Us and NieR Automata. Currently waiting on Persona 5.
Also got Prey with the console but only played around an hour.
Any exclusive PS4 games let me know
i am currently playing 'tales from the borderlands' bc it was free on ps+ and i really like this game, probably gonna play more games from t… moreelltale. Maybe the "walking dead" series? I dont know the official name. Is it good? i am also gonna play Zombies Chronicles, hyped for that . i also wait for the next uncharted game, i love all the story based naughty dog games!
If you're looking to get into Telltale games I'd recommend The Wolf Among Us, its a much darker and grittier tone than Tales from the borderlands, but its probably their best game in terms of story
i am currently playing 'tales from the borderlands' bc it was free on ps+ and i really like this game, probably gonna play more games from t… moreelltale. Maybe the "walking dead" series? I dont know the official name. Is it good? i am also gonna play Zombies Chronicles, hyped for that . i also wait for the next uncharted game, i love all the story based naughty dog games!
You should play the Uncharted series. If you are yet to play the original trilogy, you should get The Nathan Drake Collection. If you have already played them, then you should get Uncharted 4.
Ratchet & Clank is another great one, it's a reboot of the original PS2 game.
I've heard Horizon: Zero Dawn is pretty good too, as well as Until Dawn.
Also, it's not out yet but I am SO EXCITED for Crash Bandicoot: The N. Sane Trilogy. Which is a complete remake of the first the Crash Bandicoot games. Can't wait!
Recently got a PS4, so playing some PS console only games finally
The Last of Us and NieR Automata. Currently waiting on Persona 5.
Also got Prey with the console but only played around an hour.
Any exclusive PS4 games let me know
Recently got a PS4, so playing some PS console only games finally
The Last of Us and NieR Automata. Currently waiting on Persona 5.
Also got Prey with the console but only played around an hour.
Any exclusive PS4 games let me know
I'd recommend you Infamous Second Son. It's a beautiful superhero romp. Looks great, plays great, and I think that it has some real good motion capture.
Recently got a PS4, so playing some PS console only games finally
The Last of Us and NieR Automata. Currently waiting on Persona 5.
Also got Prey with the console but only played around an hour.
Any exclusive PS4 games let me know
I'd recommend you Infamous Second Son. It's a beautiful superhero romp. Looks great, plays great, and I think that it has some real good motion capture.
Thanks for the reply @joel5_b & @Acheive250 (lol you spelt achieve wrong)
I've had Horizon: Zero Dawn recommended so I will most likely go for that next! I know uncharted is tomb raider like with the exploring etc isnt it?
I replayed both Outlast and Outlast: Whistleblower in three days. I feel a little dumb because it took me a total of a week and a half in order to finish them the first time I played them.
Hmm? I always thought the correct way to spell it was "Spelled". Because, y'know, spelt is a grain...
Write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence.
(Don't know how to post a picture of it like you did)
Wait are you American? Because I know america doesnt use alot of english words / spellings.
Spelt is more commonly used in England. I didnt even know spelt was a grain lol
Or Darth Maul.
Yeah, thanks.
Just finished Dead Rising 4 and boy what a disappointment cant decide which of my 2 favorite franchises got shit on more Dead Rising or Mass Effect. It feels like Capcom doesn't understand what made Dead Rising 1 and 2 great and instead think juvenile humor is all it is and that frustrates me to no end. looked up the Frank Rising cutscenes on youtube and its just as bad Thanks for spoiling the end of the game and then selling the actual end of the game as a shitty DLC capcom fuck.
Hope I'm okay to talk about modded games. I'm playing Final Fantasy IX on an emulator, patched with the Unleashed difficulty mod.
Enemies and bosses are stronger than the original version, but certain characters have more utility due to reworked or new abilities, while having overpowered abilities nerfed or replaced entirely. It's quite fun to play, and it's not overly frustrating to go through certain difficult parts of the game either.
I'm playing with a's a very hard ass game that I'm in need of focusing in it every second I look at it -_-
I just finished playing Expedition: Vikings. While I enjoyed the game, there was a lot of frustration thing about the game. Firstly, the game has a lot of bugs and it is unstable in some area. I get this weird feeling that the game want me to play a certain way and any off railing would result in the script breaking, which force me to reload and go through an area again, which is very annoying.
I feel like the developers have too many ideas and many of them were interesting and good, but they didn't manage to find a good synergy to all of it, which makes the whole experience feel like a mixed bag.
Street Fighter V. I usually don't like fighting games mainly because I suck at them, but I've enjoyed playing it so far. I've only played the story's main story and trials once I get online I might be done with the game lol.
I heard that game was very disappointing even if it is the best fighting game of 2016, probably because it was the only good one, others either suck or no one cares about them.
Civilization V. Bought it about a week and a half ago and I've already played 100 hours.
Yeah I heard that too. I'm enjoying it maybe because I expected to hate it and am not a huge SF fan and didn't know what to expect.
Once you start getting into mods oh boy the game gets crazy.
Mass Effect Andromeda pretty much. It's a pretty long, overwhelming game so it's been taking me a while. I think I have about 35 hours at this point
Border lands 1 and i just finished the first episode of guardians of the galaxy
While not playing it, I'm now looking forward to Agents of Mayhem. I've heard about the game before, saw the brief initial trailer, and ignored it because it looked like a lot of other games. I just happened to watch a newer trailer and realized that it's the next Saint's Row game. Now they've got my attention. It appears they took the retcon/reboot ending of Gat out of Hell and ran with it. Maybe a direct sequel, maybe a spin-off. It remains to be seen. That SR feeling is definitely back though.
I've been playing the first two Darksiders games. These games are heavily underrated gems that any action adventure fan needs to pick up. They're derivative of other franchises like God of War and Legend of Zelda but they're not a cheap imitation as they do their own thing with it and provide an experience that's the best of both worlds in my opinion.
They're also making a Darksiders 3 that's coming out next year.
I have one more trophy to collect from Resident Evil 7 so I can win another platinum.
I'm playing Mass Effect Andromeda right now, which I'm enjoying. Kind of sad how the sequel is on hiatus now though
I'm getting a Bioware craving from playing it, so I think I'm going to try and play the Dragon Age Series next.
Haven't played the Dragon Age series?
The first game probably has the best narrative of either franchise, but it also has a different combat system than most are used to. You tell your character to perform an action, then you can either watch them do that, or switch to another character and do something else while your character is executing that action. The second game has a normal action combat system and the third has both. Being able to switch to other members of your party is a great mechanic of the series and I wish Mass Effect had it too.
I started out with Mass Effect, but I think I like Dragon Age more. The amount of story which changes due to choices is crazy. The third game doesn't do save imports due to it being on a different generation of console(even on PC) and you have to enter your choices manually. It takes a long time. Definitely not like entering your Mass Effect choices in Andromeda.
Dragon Age II has the distinction of being the game which has made me hate a video game character more than I ever have.
I'm currently replaying The Elder Scrolls series' games. The older ones like Morrowind and Oblivion and the newer ones like Skyrim & Legends.
As for other games which I usually play, I play League of Legends a lot.
Sweet, they sound like my kind of games. I'll play them in order, probably with the story dlcs and expansions too. I 'm not a big fan of teh combat system of the first one from what I've seen, but I hear such praise for the story that I can look past. Sadly I had a big part of the ending of the final Inquisition Expansion spoiled for me through a youtube title. Hopefully it won't hinder my enjoyment of the series.
Was it the player character that you hated so much in the second game?
It wasn't your character and it was a surprise. I can't say anymore.
Yap, yap. Dragon age 1 was awesome, one of the best games of all time, back when Bioware was a great company that made cool games.
i am currently playing 'tales from the borderlands' bc it was free on ps+ and i really like this game, probably gonna play more games from telltale. Maybe the "walking dead" series? I dont know the official name. Is it good? i am also gonna play Zombies Chronicles, hyped for that
. i also wait for the next uncharted game, i love all the story based naughty dog games!
Character whose name starts with A?
Recently got a PS4, so playing some PS console only games finally
The Last of Us and NieR Automata. Currently waiting on Persona 5.
Also got Prey with the console but only played around an hour.
Any exclusive PS4 games let me know
And finally been playing AC Syndicate on xbox one. Got put off from the shite show that was Unity. But I'm enjoying this one!
Yes! The Walking Dead games are great! Particularly the first season, but the others are great too. You should definitely try it.
And Tales from the Borderlands is a great game.
If you're looking to get into Telltale games I'd recommend The Wolf Among Us, its a much darker and grittier tone than Tales from the borderlands, but its probably their best game in terms of story
You should play the Uncharted series. If you are yet to play the original trilogy, you should get The Nathan Drake Collection. If you have already played them, then you should get Uncharted 4.
Ratchet & Clank is another great one, it's a reboot of the original PS2 game.
I've heard Horizon: Zero Dawn is pretty good too, as well as Until Dawn.
Also, it's not out yet but I am SO EXCITED for Crash Bandicoot: The N. Sane Trilogy. Which is a complete remake of the first the Crash Bandicoot games. Can't wait!
The Uncharted series is an incredible playstation exclusive, highly recommend!
Nimian Legends!
Oh boy, what a great open world games. Graphics looks better than console.
Get it if you have the latest iphone or ipad.
Thanks for the reply @joel5_b & @Acheive250 (lol you spelt achieve wrong)
I've had Horizon: Zero Dawn recommended so I will most likely go for that next! I know uncharted is tomb raider like with the exploring etc isnt it?
I'd recommend you Infamous Second Son. It's a beautiful superhero romp. Looks great, plays great, and I think that it has some real good motion capture.
Ooh, yes. Forgot about that one. Infamous Second Son is pretty good, too.
Yes, yes. I know. But hey, you spelled "spelt" wrong. So we're even.
I replayed both Outlast and Outlast: Whistleblower in three days. I feel a little dumb because it took me a total of a week and a half in order to finish them the first time I played them.
Spelt is a correct spelling? I'm confused.
Hmm? I always thought the correct way to spell it was "Spelled". Because, y'know, spelt is a grain...
Write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence.
(Don't know how to post a picture of it like you did)
Wait are you American? Because I know america doesnt use alot of english words / spellings.
Spelt is more commonly used in England. I didnt even know spelt was a grain lol
No, actually, I'm Australian mate!
Well, sorry about that. I just thought the word "Spelt" was only used for the grain.